UTU at ETHSafari

Published in
5 min readOct 4, 2022

Hello UTU Trust Guardians!

Have you been wondering what we’ve been up to? Wonder no more, as we are going to regale you with all the details. We have been very busy building the Africa web3 space through ETHSafari and associated efforts that will yield many strategic partnerships and opportunities for UTU.

Let’s dive in.

ETHSafari in Nairobi

So what is ETHSafari? In case you have been living under a rock, ETHSafari is the latest, greatest ETH event that went down last week in Kenya. We were proud partners and contributors to the entire event. The goal was to bring together the builders and enthusiasts in the ethereum ecosystem to learn, hack, discuss, and celebrate the ecosystem, our decentralized future, the use cases that are transforming Africa, and the people that are building them in the continent.

ETHSafari kicked off virtually at the beginning of September with a hackathon powered by Encode Club that saw more than 200 hackers participate.

Korogocho, before & after, Josemarie Nyagah

The IRL event kicked off officially on 18th in Nairobi, Kenya with a bus tour of the 6 community spaces transformed by 23 murals and clean up efforts as part of artSTORM.nft, a sister project of ETHSafari that is transforming brown spaces around Kenya into green, art spaces, and raising money for them via NFT Sales on Foundation.

The theme for this year was: African Streets of the Future.

Next was a two-day bootcamp that trained nearly 100 web3 devs!

via AfyaRekod

One of the projects that gained momentum during ETHSafari is the Africa DeFi Alliance (ADA). With a well-attended first annual meeting held on Tuesday 20th, the founding members who include UTU, Symplifi, BitLipa, and Ape Unit went over ADA achievements and roadmap to new members who were excited about the prospects of unlocking capital for MSMEs in Africa with DeFi.

Approximately 50 people attended the sessions and community lunch building on the momentum the ADA has gained via its successful pilots in the last 6 months.
Mervin for ETHSafari

On the night of Wednesday 21st, we sponsored the Crypto Baraza, a community social industry event for the founders, business leaders, key opinion leaders and all round creators in blockchain. This month’s theme focused on creators and our CTO, Bastian Blankenburg, was on the ground to present UTU infrastructure and how it can benefit web3 creators and the crypto community in their quest for digital trust. We’re always thrilled to participate in the web3 and art conversation as we believe this is the future in the continent.

via Crypto Baraza

The Journey and Conference

Safari means journey in Swahili. That is why a big part of the experience was the journey across the Kenyan savannah on the blocktrain. On Thursday, ETHSafari attendees travelled from Nairobi to the coastal town of Kilifi to the final venue: Beneath the Baobabs.

UTU Web3 Dev and ETH Safari core contributor Alfred Opon rides the blocktrain flashing his trademark grin. Mervin

And finally the main conference and festival in Kilifi, Kenya, which gathered 350+ people!

Josemarie Nyagah for ETHSafari

ETHSafari turned out to be one of the most epic events in web3 in the continent. We were able to bring together a diverse group of experts and enthusiasts from all over the world to share their experiences and what they are building in the web3 space.

You won’t find many pictures of our CEO, Jason Eisen, but he was there mostly looking like this.
Connor for ETHSafari

We call it CEO in Headlights. Though he did take a break to speak on one panel.

He was at the forefront of making things happen and dropping the digital trust gospel every chance he got throughout the event. One of the highlights for UTU was when Jason sat on an illuminating panel stationed at the beautiful valley stage to talk about tokenisation and how it is driving community ownership.

Mervin for ETHSafari

You can see how such a topic easily turned into a trust dialogue where 100% of the audience’s questions and comments were all about how we can build digital trust even in Africa, where models of trust are quite different from the West.

The Africa DeFi Alliance also featured prominently at the conference, represented by Apollo Eric, CEO of BitLipa, second from right and a founding member of Africa DeFi Alliance.
Josemarie Nyagah
UTU Web3 Devs Alfred Opon (left) and Kevin Kimiti (right) and Designer Hakeem Salim Riziki (center right) turned out to be the UTU DAOplomacy squad, seen here with Miss Purple of Bankless DAO and Here with Naomi Schettini of ETHSafari.

The connections and partnerships that we’re already building from this will see us with a loaded coming months of opportunities and collaborations.

Our CTO Bastian also gave a workshop on dApp Architecture and joined other experts in “The Evolution of the Blockchain Stack — zkEVMs, Modular Blockchains, Oracles, Storage” panel.

UTU Engineer and Influencer Sharon Jebitok (left) also spoke on a panel about breaking into Web 3!
Josemarie Nyagah
Wonder what Bastian is up to? Probably cleaning up for launch…
Josemarie Nyagah

Stay tuned for updates!

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To learn more about UTU, visit us on our website, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Originally published at https://utu.io on October 4, 2022.




Bridging the gap between how we trust in the real world, and how we are asked to trust online. utu.io