What You Need To Know About Spiritual Purging

The symptoms of spiritual purging and how to deal with it.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
UuagangA Society
4 min readJan 7, 2022


Photo by Rex Pickar on Unsplash

If you have been around spiritual circles you might have heard of the term “I am purging” or “I have been purging for the last couple of days”.

The word purging literally means cleansing or purification, which is exactly what it is in the spiritual sense. We already know what spirituality means, so spiritual purging is cleansing and purification of ones’ inner essence.

Where does purging come from?

Personally I’ve come across this term and the phenomenon over the last year. After surrounding myself with the spiritual circle, then I learned about it.

So in my experience there are three major causes of spiritual purging.

Three major causes of spiritual purging are:

Spiritual upgrade.

An upgrade refers to the improvement of one’s consciousness and energetic levels. This is very common to channelers. As I have learned and experienced during a channeling session, a person does not only receive intellectual information. Instead, they also receive different energies that upgrade them on the fundamental levels.

The effects can sometimes become too intense to create a reaction such as,

  • Feeling tired all the time,
  • A sudden sadness (Usually comes after an awakening into a certain reality)
  • Nausiated of throwing up,
  • Unable to wake up,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • High fever,
  • Overactive mind which is flooding with random ideas and inspirations.

Though it might appear as a negative reaction, it is for the greater good. Because all the negative and impurities within one’s body are being removed and as they are being removed it becomes a violent reaction.

Energy drain.

In addition to having a psychic upgrade, any psychic healer, shaman, energy worker, or other energy healer will become depleted of their spiritual energies as they use them. Because when you heal someone, or perform a reading even perform a channeling session, your spiritual energies are being consumed.

When this happens a person becomes too weak or tired to do anything. As a result they find themselves unmotivated to do anything. This doesn’t cause violent reactions, but the person becomes too sluggish to do much. When you let your body recover naturally because it is telling you what needs to be done which is a proper rest.

Energy exchange.

Especially for sensitive people, we naturally absorb and exchange energy from people, places and items. Have you ever had a brief chat with someone and felt a wave of sadness? Have you ever felt a sudden change of mood after chatting to someone? Before talking to someone, you were happy and in a pleasant mood, but after talking to someone, your mood changes.

This is exactly that, where an energy exchange can happen between a conversation with someone, hanging out with someone, going to certain places, touching certain objects and so on.

In other cases, you might not even feel anything, but experience a series of misfortunes that might make you wonder where did all these misfortunes come from? And that’s why there is a strong belief in the existence of an evil eye.

So, when this happens it becomes like a psychic infection where you have caught a bug, you have absorbed negative energy without knowing. In addition to that, if one does not perform a proper energetic healing, they might end up exchanging their good energy with negative energy with their clients. When this occurs, symptoms may follow, similar to those of a spiritual upgrade. Your spiritual and physical mechanisms begin to purge the negative energies out of your system slowly.

How to land safely during spiritual purging

Whenever you feel these spiritual symptoms, it is recommended that you treat them appropriately.

Where the first and foremost thing to do is try to trace the source of it all. What did you do in the last 24 hours?

  • Were you in a spiritual circle?
  • Did you have any spiritual session such as shamanic, reiki, or any other energy session?
  • Did you order a remote healing session or chakra activation?
  • Did you talk to someone? Or visit a foreign place?

These kind of questions will help you to know what exactly you are dealing with, it will also help you to know if you have absorbed negative energy from someone without knowing.

A lot of other spiritual people recommend during the purging period to do the following.

  • Drink lots of water,
  • Get yourself into the sun for a couple of minutes.
  • Earthing by walking barefoot for a couple of minutes,
  • Get some rest. Since many people here work most days, you can ask for sick leave.
  • Spend as much time as you can being close to nature.


Spiritual purging could be tricky with what is going on right now, and the strong definitions that have been labeled on physical experiences. Because of this one might ask, what is the difference between spiritual purging and an actual regular sickness?

It is clear that the material substance and the physical body is not the end of all, and it may be that other experiences we have are just passing energies that if we let our bodies process them naturally, then we are not interfering with the natural and harmonious rhythmic flow of energy.

Also remember the term spiritual has been compartmentalized and isolated between the physical and non-physical. However, they are essentially one thing and even simple items like a can of beer have a spiritual component.

Through understanding this we are expanding our awareness beyond the confines of physical reality. We can then see the actual root cause of diseases and deal with them accordingly.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
UuagangA Society

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.