Festive redundancies in UK Higher Education

A list of UK universities that are making staff redundant, or have announced redundancy plans, from Christmas 2018 into 2019



In alphabetical order and last updated 14 August 2019, 12:00 GMT

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‘Teach Out’ and closures

A ‘teach out’ is when a university has decided to phase out a course that still has students enrolled. No new students will be taken, the relevant department is under the threat of closure, and university staff can be made redundant.

  • Bangor University. Bangor University confirmed the closure of its Chemistry Department (Source: BBC News, 10 April 2019)
  • Coventry University. Centre for Advances in Behavioural Science and the ‘Centre for Innovative Research Across the Life Course (Source: Coventry UCU Twitter, 23 February 2019: ‘STOP PRESS: #Coventry #University have just announced the closure of the “Centre for Advances in Behavioural Science” and the “Centre for Innovative Research Across the Life Course”. 53 staff are at risk of redundancy. These centres were only opened in 2017! Disgraceful.’; Coventry Telegraph, 27 February 2019)
  • University of Hull. Philosophy and Modern Languages and Cultures departments (Source: Hull Daily Mail, 11 December 2018; ‘confirmed that new students may not be taken onto philosophy or modern languages courses during the 2019–2020 academic year’). Restructuring of Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit with potential redundancies; suspension of Youth Work and Community Development programme (Source: private correspondence, 24 December 2018. Would appreciate further corroboration)
  • Middlesex University. Centre for Psychoanalysis (Source: PHILOS-L Listserv, 15 June 2019; ‘Middlesex University has decided to close the Centre for Psychoanalysis and has issued redundancy letters to its current academics’)
  • University of Sussex. Pharmacy department (Source: University of Sussex, 14 December 2018; ‘The University of Sussex has decided to stop accepting new Pharmacy students from 2019’)



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