Wow Your Staff With Uulala This Holiday Season

Matthew Loughran, EMBA
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2019


The cost of hiring within the US is estimated to range from $4000-$8000 per employee this number is even higher if you are replacing an existing employee instead of hiring for a new position. This means that investing in retaining loyal employees is essential if you want to maximize your organization’s profits, competitive advantage, and overall success.

While it often feels natural to shift your entire focus to your customers during the busy holiday season you must not forget about your most valuable asset, your people.

According to Gallup in “The State of the American Workplace” employees who are engaged are more likely to improve customer relationships, with a resulting 20% increase in sales.

This means that implementing an employee incentive program and investing in employee engagement during your busy season can pay high dividends.

  • A 5% increase in employee retention can generate a 25 to 85% increase in profitability
  • Disengaged workers cost organizations $450–550 billion or more per year
  • Organizations with higher than average levels of employee engagement realized 27% higher profits, 50% higher sales, 50% higher customer loyalty levels, and 38% above-average productivity.

One simple but effective way to engage your employees during the busy season is to implement a holiday incentive program that rewards them for their hard work and loyalty.

While many may see these types of programs as a cost the statistics show otherwise. The return on investment is significant, with increased productivity, retention, improved customer service, and sales.

  • 41% of customers are loyal to a brand or company because they consistently notice a positive employee attitude, while 68% of customers defect from a brand or company because of negative employee attitude. It costs 5x more to obtain a new customer than it does to retain a current customer.
  • 83% of employees said they would feel more appreciated, work harder, feel motivated, and have more loyalty towards the company if they received a holiday incentive.
  • Properly structured employee incentive programs can increase performance by as much as 44%
  • Companies using incentive programs reported a 79% success rate in achieving their established goals when the correct reward was offered.
  • Annual revenue increases are 3x higher in companies that use a tangible sales incentive over those that don’t use an additional incentive.

While choosing an incentive program may feel overwhelming remember that it doesn’t need to be complex or time-consuming to implement. There are many simple options to choose from that are very easy to get started.

  • You can provide Gift Cards
  • Implement reloadable Incentive Cards
  • Develop goal and performance-based programs
  • Provide Employee Holiday Bonuses
  • Recognition rewards and more

One option that will allow you to easily implement a fast and affordable holiday bonus payout as well as improving your employee’s ongoing financial wellness is an Uulala Card.

Uulala provides a mass payout solution to employers that is linked to an application that provides employees with:

  • Consistent, reliable, accessible pay.
  • Digital accounts for the unbanked
  • Low-cost bill payments
  • Rapid, inexpensive peer-to-peer international transfers and remittances
  • International payout for a global salesforce
  • Credit-building and access to microcredit
  • Incentivized Financial education

By providing your employees with an Uulala Card you are not only showing them you care about their wellbeing during the holiday period you are also demonstrating your ongoing commitment to bettering their lives.

Connect With Us And Empower Your Staff This Holiday Season!

Email To learn more about this program.



Matthew Loughran, EMBA
Editor for

Social Impact Entrepreneur at, Emerging Technology Advocate, Certified UN SDG Impact Measurement Specialist