ABC Beer Co. sticks out on Loisaida Avenue, in the Puerto Rican neighborhood- Snapshot 9/7

Talia Moore
UURB 3610
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2016
ABC Beer Company is located on Avenue C between 6th and 7th Street.

Walking down Avenue C in the heart of Alphabet City, bodegas, pizza shops and a vast assortment of delis line the sidewalks. However, the simple, grey awning of a craft beer company doesn’t quite blend into the mix.

Located between 6th and 7th Street is ABC Beer Co. The company was founded in May of 2012, by David Hitchner and Zachary Mack. Their shop sits between Alphabet City Wine Co. which Hitchner also owns, and Bobwhite Lunch Counter.While these shops go hand and hand with one another’s characteristics and surely bring in an influx of happy patrons, they don’t necessarily tailor to the general population. Just a block away on Avenue D are the Jacob Riis Houses, which are a part of NYCHA’s public housing project. The residents are low-income families who most likely aren’t going to spend their money on craft beer and fancy meats and cheeses.

The East Village has experienced constant development within the last several decades, from renovated apartment complexes to the placement of trendy restaurants and bars. These neighborhood additions can make an area more desirable to a newer, more affluent demographic. However, it can also raise the price of rent and increase the cost of goods. Specialty goods sold at ABC Beer Co. are a luxury item for most, but for the company to make a profit, there has to be a population of regulars who will buy their craft beer and premium cheeses. As the neighborhood continues to change, a gentrifying, beer store and bar may not be out of the question.



Talia Moore
UURB 3610

The New School, Journalism + Design ‘19|New York City|San Francisco