Reading Response 10/17

Michael Klunder
UURB 3610
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2016

The readings for this class finally gave us a taste of how gentrification is affecting cities all over the world, giving us a broader look at how it’s all perceived in a different context. I think it was interesting to read about how gentrification is similar and different in all different types of cities. The example of Tokyo was an intense example of how they are clearing about blocks and blocks of the cities history just for the cookie cutter, fast cash, luxury condominium developments. What caught my interest most in this reading specifically was how the city is gentrifying neighborhoods but not necessarily for any residents of the city, but for outsiders that’ll be coming to Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics. This topic of mega events and how cities handle them has always been a strong interest of mine. I used to view the Olympics and the cities that were lucky enough to host them as this superior event and place, but since learning about how mega events and the spectacle they bring with them, my views changed. Now I question why any city would ever want to actually host any of these events that take years and years to bring to fruition and also a huge final cost for something that just lasts a couple weeks. Then thinking about the Tokyo article, it was interesting to relate these events as a pushing factor of gentrification. It brings in a completely new example of gentrification and how it comes to be.

