Reading Response 10/31

Michael Klunder
UURB 3610
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2016

The readings for this class brought up a lot of interesting points about race relations and who’s the city for and accessible for, but I specifically want to focus on the “Confessions of a Black Gentrifier”. It made a lot of interesting points about being overlooked and under the radar and it made me think a lot about a neighborhood in San Antonio, Texas, that has a lot of the same things going on, but in a different context. There is a neighborhood that goes by the name of Dignowity Hill that is just east of downtown that is predominantly a hispanic neighborhood. A couple years ago a developer from Mexico City started developing luxury condos that are marketed specifically to Mexicans who are moving into San Antonio. The neighborhood has even taken on a new nickname which is “Little Monterrey” due to the huge influx of residents who are moving from Monterrey, into this neighborhood of SA specifically. It is an interesting dynamic playing out because when gentrification is brought up, most think of the racial tension between black and white, but there are so many faces to gentrification, which I think this article goes into and how people that are technically of that demographic or race can still very well be gentrifiers.

