Factors to Consider Before Getting UV Light Room Sanitizers

UV Sanitizer Blog
UV Sanitizer Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2020

Ultraviolet light has many applications, not least in disinfecting your home. But before you go buy UV light room sanitizers, you should know that there are many factors to consider before getting one. What are these factors? Find out below!


It’s not enough to simply buy UV light sanitizers; you need to check the technology that comes with it. Doing so helps you get the most effective product, and it certainly helps you get your money’s worth. Here’s a tip: Check if the bulb featured in the sanitizer is medical-grade. That way, you can be sure that it is human friendly (without hampering its germicidal properties).


UV light may be invisible to the naked eye, but you can still measure it through its watts. You need to know the wattage of the UV light room sanitizer you want to buy. Not only will it help determine how effective the product will be, but it will also help you check if it’s safe enough for household use.



In case you don’t know, ultraviolet light comes in three packages: Ultraviolet A (UVA), Ultraviolet B (UVB), and Ultraviolet C (UVC). Each of them varies according to wavelengths. Most room UV light sanitizers harness UV-C light. So stick with products that have around 200 to 280 nanometers. If the product you’re buying states otherwise, find another.


UV light room sanitizers come in various shapes and forms. However, it would be best if you choose the most portable device available. That way, you won’t have to invest in more than one room sanitizer. As soon as you’re finished disinfecting one room, you can switch off the sanitizer and proceed to sterilize the next one.

Power Source

But just in case you’re worried that a room UV sanitizer will cause your electric bills to go up, here’s a tip: check the product’s power source before buying one. In any case, most of the sanitizers in the market these days sport lithium-ion batteries and USB ports. Not only are these products easy to recharge, but they’re also power efficient.



Just because a UV light room sanitizer is cheap doesn’t mean it has great quality. While you should go for the most affordable product available, you shouldn’t do so at the expense of its effectiveness and safety. So even if the price of the sanitizer seems steep, you should still go for it rather than cheaper yet substandard counterparts.


Lastly, before buying UV lights for your home, check the reviews left by other people regarding the product you’re targeting. If you don’t know anyone who has tried it, visit reputable websites that have scrutinized such products. Or better yet, get feedback from experts who are well-versed in UV disinfection.

Get the Best UV Light Room Sanitizer Available


Knowing these factors will help you find and buy the best UV light room sanitizer for your home. So while you’re still browsing for available products, best keep these things in mind.



UV Sanitizer Blog
UV Sanitizer Blog
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UV Sanitizer Blog gathered the best UV sanitizers and tested them ourselves to provide valuable information about the products.