Is UV Sanitizer Safe? Things You Need to Know

UV Sanitizer Blog
UV Sanitizer Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2020

Want to stay germ-free? Then you should invest in the best UV sanitizers money can buy. But is UV sanitizer safe? Let’s take a look at all the facts.

What is Ultraviolet Light?

But before delving in on the effects of UV light sanitizers, you first need to know what ultraviolet light is. Basically, ultraviolet light is a type of radiation usually found in sunlight. Due to its various properties, it has many applications in photography, electronics, and many more.

Ultraviolet light comes in three types: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Let’s focus on the third one since most UV sanitizers harness UV-C light.

How UV-C Light Kills Germs

Ultraviolet C or UV-C light has been used by hospitals and hotels to kill dangerous pathogens. Despite having the shortest wavelength among the trio, UV-C packs a lot of energy that enables it to act as an anti-bacterial. Completely environment-friendly and chemical-free, it can help you effectively and safely eradicate harmful microbes from your home, car, and accessories.

Benefits of UV-C Light

  • It Can Eradicate Harmful Microbes

Obviously, one of the biggest advantages of UV-C light is its ability to effectively kill harmful microbes. Within seconds, UV-C sanitizing devices can destroy germ DNA, effectively, disabling their ability to reproduce and infect.

  • It Can Replace Chemical-Based Disinfectants

If you’ve been using chemical-based disinfectants before, then you’re probably aware of how hazardous they are to your lungs and health. By switching to UV-C light, you can avoid this issue altogether.

  • It Can Sterilize Your Food and Drink

But the benefits of UV-C light aren’t just limited to a sterilized home, car, and accessories. Use it right, and it will sanitize your food containers and drink cans as well.

  • It Can Sanitize Pretty Much Anything

What’s more, it can disinfect pretty much anything else you own, including your phones, bedrooms, sheets, and even toothbrushes.

  • It Can Be Taken Wherever You Go

Many UV-C sanitizers these days come in portable devices, meaning you can take them with you to your office, gym, or any other favorite spots.

Risks of UV-C Light

However, UV-C light isn’t without its dangers. Using low-quality UV devices (or mishandling the right ones) can lead to serious adverse health effects, including:

  • Skin Problems

UV-C light is extremely hazardous to your skin. At the very least, it can lead to sunburn or premature skin aging. In the worst-case scenario, though, prolonged exposure can lead to skin cancer.

  • Eye Damage

Exposure to the eye can also cause irreparable damage, accelerating the formation of cataracts, pterygium, and pinguecula, as well as leading to problems like photokeratitis.

Despite these risks, UV sanitizers are still safe to use. Just remember to stick to authentic and recommended products, as they are the ones that come with built-in features that ensure user safety.


UV-C can both bring many benefits and lead to harm. By investing in the right UV-C sanitizers, you’ll be able to harness ultraviolet light safely to get rid of germs, bacteria, and viruses in your home and surroundings.



UV Sanitizer Blog
UV Sanitizer Blog
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UV Sanitizer Blog gathered the best UV sanitizers and tested them ourselves to provide valuable information about the products.