It’d be like a handy man without a hammer…

Theresa Kuron
UVA New Media Strategies 2015
2 min readJul 15, 2015

Native advertising is one of the most unique and successful forms of advertising that should be in every digital marketer’s toolbox. Native advertising is converging paid and organic advertising into something that seamlessly fits into a social media platform. This type of advertising is key to anyone trying to increase engagement and acceptance of their posts. Native advertising is what makes people comfortable and not overwhelmed despite how directly they were targeted. Any digital marketer would be greatly missing out if they didn’t consider using native advertising.

If you can get your native advertising to fit in with users news feed (must be high quality work!), the payoff can be monumental. Not only do you get your paid exposure to an audience that may have been out of your usual post reach, but it also gives that audience the chance to interact with your ad — desktop AND mobile. If the ad was a column ad on the side of the page like a banner ad, just sitting there, it is pretty close to 0% chance people would share that ad/information to their friends/on their news feed. However, when it is a true post in line with all the organic posts, you can get organic engagements and at a high rate! Once you get any paid or organic likes and shares, your post has the potential to be in front of a whole new audience. With Friends seeing other Friends Likes and shares on businesses, promotions and ads in general, your hard work on that high quality ad will prove worth it.

In today’s world, people are sick of banner ads and right column ads and avoid them like the plague.

If you are a digital marketer NOT using or considering native advertising, then you won’t be in digital marketing much longer.

