My experience with Facebook Ads

Sean Gold
UVA New Media Strategies 2015
2 min readJul 8, 2015

I do take notice to many of the Facebook advertisements that show up on my Newsfeed and Right Hand Column. Many of these ads are re-targeted from a previous website I may previously been on however, I have noticed more and more ads popping up that are tailored to me based on my demographic and Facebook likes. For example, I am a huge sports fan and like many of the local DC teams on Facebook (minus the Redskins). I would say that the most consistent banner ad to show up on my newsfeed is for Seat Geek ( The site pulls pricing from various ticket selling outlets such as Stub Hub and Ticketmaster, however, they provide a ranking detailing how each available ticket compares in pricing to the market value. It has now become my go to site for ticket purchases.

Since starting my new position I have had the opportunity to put together multiple ads on Facebook for various hotels. It really is interesting to put together these custom target groups so it ensure your ad spend is being displayed to your ideal audience. Just recently I put together a campaign where we tried boost likes and exposure for a conference hotel in Colorado. The hotel has a unique selling point of offering a lot of outdoor activities around their facilities. Instead of just targeting meeting planners, Facebook allowed for us to narrow down the search to meeting planners in Colorado who also like the outdoors. This helped us really narrow down our audience, see an increase our completed Meeting RFP’s (request for proposals), and limit our clients ad spend. This previous class gave me even more insight into other advertising capabilities on Facebook such as the custom data upload which I hope to use in the future.

