So Long Banner Ads, Native Advertising is Here to Stay

Sean Gold
UVA New Media Strategies 2015
2 min readJul 15, 2015

Native advertising is a unique form of online advertisement that helps generate online viewers and also drives customer engagement. Many companies are transitioning their online ad spend towards this form of marketing as it is helping increase customer engagement and leading toward direct clicks to the companies website.On the other end of the spectrum is the simple banner ad which are not creative enough to excite a consumer and as a result lead to poor click through rates (At my company, we mainly do banner ads and anything over a 0.05% CTR is considered a success banner ad campaign). I know are company has considered pushing native advertising towards are clients and have even reached out to Buzzfeed to get a price quote on setting up a banner ad. We did not get much of a response from Buzzfeed (mainly due to our customers limited budget), but I still think this would be a great opportunity for us to look in to. Below are some statistics I found online that show how much more effective a native ad campaign is compared to the standard banner ad:

  1. 70% of individuals want to learn about products through content rather than through traditional advertising.
  2. People view native ads 53% more than banner ads.
  3. A recent study performed on a recent GE native ad saw a click through rate of 8%. Astronomical compared to the standard banner ads click through rates of 0.5%.
  4. Compare that to traditional display ad CTRs, which have dropped from 9% in 2000 to 0.2% in 2012.
  5. 32% of consumers said they would share a native ad with friends and family vs 19% for banner ads.
  6. Native advertising generates up to an 82% increase in brand lift.
  7. Purchase intent is 53% higher with native ads.
  8. 57% of publishers have a dedicated editorial team to create content readers will care about, leaving publishers in full control, not brands, which ultimately benefits readers.

Overall, I think it is essential for us to further push native advertisement to our clients. With content driven websites like Mashable and Buzzfeed becoming the ever popular way of millennials source for news, it is important for us to develop ad campaigns that will adapt to these websites and drive customer engagement.


