The Coca-Cola Journey

Jennifer Holland
2018 UVA New Media Strategies
1 min readMar 5, 2018

It should come as no surprise that Coca-Cola does a top-notch job when it comes to branding in the social media space. On Facebook, they not only have a Coca-Cola product page, but they also have a Coca-Cola Journey page. This page is used to describe their company and culture, while featuring pictures of their customers in their normal habitat enjoying their products. They also show some vintage “throwback” pictures of their marketing efforts throughout time, which are always a fan favorite. Their Facebook page lists all of their handles for all of the other social media sites so you stay connected and you’re sure not to miss them.

Coca-Cola does a great job at portraying their brand as fun and lively. They use some celebrities, but mostly it’s everyday people snapped in a “bright light” kind of picture as if it were found in an art gallery. They use very unique angles and different environments yet the fun and lively vibe stays the same. Their header image is actually a video, which once again shows relatable people in their everyday environments happily enjoying their products. The Coca-Cola Journey page shares their brand with you and pulls you in as if you are family to them, which makes for a strong social media game.

