Class 2: Forms of Media in a New Media Environment



  • Housekeeping: Facebook Group, Medium, Office Hours, Syllabus, Textbooks/Readings?
  • Follow up on Class 1: Questions?
  • Current Events
  • Forms of Media Presentation

Textbook Readings Due Today

Chapters 2 and 3 of New Rules of Marketing and PR

Due Before Class 2:

  • Write a Medium post that critically analyses and responds to either the assigned readings or current news in the digital media space. The writing topic is intentionally broad so that we get a diverse discussion going on the blog. Remember to also comment on your classmates’ posts.
  • Contribute to class Facebook group as discussed.



UVA New Media Strategies
UVA New Media Strategies Spring 2017

@UVA School of Continued and Professional Studies Class on New Media Strategies in the e-Marketing Graduate Certificate Program