Retargeting Medium Post Assignment

Due before Class 8 — March 22nd.

Please write a brief Medium post about remarketing/retargeting on social network ad platforms and how it could apply to your organization. What customer actions/intents would you identify for retargeting ads towards customers on Facebook (and other online networks if you’d like). What specific actions (or lack of action, i.e. not purchasing product) would be worthy of spending ad money on in order to bring the customer back to your site. Think broadly about this — don’t limit yourself to just thinking that the only worthy action on your website is a final action like checking out or providing lead information in exchange for a white paper.

For example, customers who browse a very high end product on your e-commerce website but didn’t add it to cart. Or customers who spent more than 5 minutes browsing the research provided on your site but never made it to the lead capture page. The rules you can define for retargeting are pretty endless — you just have to know what’s right for your business.

A few notes on this assignment:

  • This is an informal assignment, meaning it is not graded, it only accounts towards your participation.
  • If you are uncomfortable publishing this type of detailed analysis about your organization online, you are welcome to email it to me privately instead.



UVA New Media Strategies
UVA New Media Strategies Spring 2017

@UVA School of Continued and Professional Studies Class on New Media Strategies in the e-Marketing Graduate Certificate Program