Bridging the Gap Between Art and Business

Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019

Andrew Hallock is an audio engineer, producer, and artist who stays busy holding down the Boston hip-hop scene by connecting music creators through his craft. He took time out of his normally booked schedule to talk with Uwavee about his genre-bending studio sessions and how to manage a career within his passion. Andrew says “ninety percent of audio marketing is visual marketing”, and in this digital age a personal webpage has everything you. Your music, concert photos, upcoming shows, merch, anything that applies to your brand, a form of artistic expression that continues to merge with the experience of music creation.

The current status of social media has the artist website being overlooked often, but Andrew can’t stress the importance of this platform enough; “I’m always asking myself ‘what do I look like to a third party?…’” Self-reflection and how you come across to those you work with is often forgotten or not cared for, and it shouldn’t be. Hallock’s studio website is simple and sleek, user-friendly, and most importantly it represents his work all in one place. This allows prospective clients get a feel for his workflow, while at the same time promoting the artists he has already collaborated with!

The craftsman is constantly assisting his clients any way possible, “I try to enable people to share their ideas.” He has been pursuing a career in mix engineering since 2013, and has accumulated a plethora of sharp tools at his studio. Equipment helps the artists he works with to get their ideas out as fast as possible. A quick look at his website will show he collaborates with all types of artists with different sounds, and Andrew believes that creating with others so often has made him more confident in his own work. With 40+ returning clients (and growing), it’s safe to say that Andrew is focused more than ever, making a living through his passion for music, and striving to promote the artists he works with at the same time. A studio session with Andrew won’t be a drive-by sell, he will bring out the best of the artist while providing professional mix engineering services that produce high-quality sounding music.

Put all of this together and the Hallock Studios brand is formed, with Andrew at the helm steering his ship any which way to help other artists bring their thoughts and ideas to life. On Uwavee, mix engineers and producers like Andrew can network with other creators to share their work and build working relationships. Users can earn a living doing what they love by collaborating with people who are passionate about music, and build their brand and grow their following. Hallock’s parting words to the world are “If your sound isn’t there yet, work with a good engineer!” Working with others can bring out the best of all parties involved, so get out there and start creating!

You can book a session with Andrew here: Hallock Studios

Instagram: @hallockstudios, @beatsbywandrew

