Finding Joy in God’s Perfect Plan

Adam Wong
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2022
The first prayer meeting of the Fall 2021 term.

Joy, comfort, family and caring are words that pop into my head when I hear the word UWCCF. Throughout the past year, CCF has been helping me grow spiritually. My experience moving to UWaterloo is a case in point. When I graduated grade 12 from Vancouver, I thought that God was telling me to leave home and go to UW since God gave offers to me for many places, but just not Vancouver. I did not feel comfortable moving from my home for a long distance. Living alone sounded scary, and making new friends seemed impossible for an introvert. To cope with these fears, I looked for Christian groups at UW so that I could be within a group and not be lonely. At the beginning of the school term, I attended a 7:30 AM prayer meeting and had brothers and sisters pray for me. In addition, I worshipped with them and attended Bible studies with them on Fridays. Attending these activities no longer made me afraid of departing from my family. In fact, departing from my family taught me to have faith in God and that He would provide for my needs. If God had not guided me to join CCF, I would not have survived at UW alone.

Moreover, the Bible studies and gospel sharing stimulated my interest in reading the Bible. As a person who did not read the Bible constantly, CCF led me to want to seek God more. I learned so much from CCF, and God blessed everyone in CCF so that we could look after each other at UW. I thank God for introducing me to this community and showing me the greatness in Him. This community is the best community I have been in, and I hope everyone finds joy in seeking God.

