Grad Reflection Part 2

Ryan Chan
Published in
7 min readAug 10, 2024

During Pandemic

This was the time when all in-person courses switched to online courses. This was the time when Ontario was trying to open up the economy in stages (Lockdown, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3). This was the time when masks and vaccines were mandated to slow down the spread of COVID-19. This was the time when social distancing took place. There were many other restrictions that took place but the reality is that the pandemic and its restrictions have impacted the lives of many people socially, mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

The pandemic marks the time when many uncertainties took place. These extenuating circumstances occurred from my 2A co-op term (midway of my second year) to 3B study term (beginning of my fifth year). For me, I will say that the pandemic impacted my spiritual walk with God. In other words, my character changed the most during pandemic than pre- or post-pandemic. It is not to say that I did not grow with the Lord, Jesus Christ, pre- or post-pandemic but I felt that the hugest transformation of my personality and my character occurred during the pandemic. There are 3 prominent examples of life experiences that help explain how God has changed my character, including:

  1. Finding my second co-op job
  2. Experience of my second co-op term
  3. Experience of my third and fourth co-op term

During Pandemic — Finding Second Co-op Job

Many undergrad students think that finding the first co-op job is the hardest due to the lack of experience and transferable skills. I understand the rationale behind this idea but God decided to make my life interesting by making my second co-op job hunt harder than the first.

The job hunt for my second co-op was much harder than my first co-op because there were more uncertainties and worries with the second co-op term than the first co-op term. Despite having relevant experience and transferable skills from working at a physiotherapy clinic (i.e. my first co-op job), many clinics were unsure whether they would accept co-op students in their clinics due to COVID-19 restrictions. I remember having to refresh Waterloo Works every 5 minutes to see if there were new job postings within the first round and continuous round. I remember having to check the Waterloo COVID-19 website to see if there were any rules and regulations students had to follow. I remember having to check the Waterloo Co-op website to see if Waterloo imposed any changes with co-op sequences or flexibility with co-op terms. I even remember checking the Canadian news every single day to see if the economy opened up.

From these examples, you can see that finding a co-op job during this time was filled with many challenges and obstacles because I was not just facing students in my program. I was facing a Sovereign and Holy God, who planned all of these unexpected events in my life. God is good, yet God is also sovereign. This is clear in how different obstacles were placed in my life as a means to seek His righteousness and trust in His providence.

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations [sufferings] also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. -Romans 5:3–5

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. -Matthew 6:31–34

These verses were a big encouragement to me as it gave me the diligence and energy to find a co-op job during unprecedented times. It taught me how to trust in God’s providence and not to rely on myself to achieve for materialistic things of this world. It also taught me not to worry about matching my friends’ ambitions but rather to fixate my eyes on God, who is holy and righteous. It is very tempting for me to follow what my non-Christian friends tell me, which is going with the flow. However, this example was just the beginning of a journey to see how God is in control of my life, including my co-op status.

During Pandemic — Second Co-op Term Experience

After countless prayers and diligent effort, I was able to find a co-op job in Lethbridge, Alberta. Praise the Lord for providing a 4-month co-op job during Stage 2 reopening! For some context, Lethbridge is David Awosoga’s hometown but at the time, I personally did not know Mr. Awosoga and so I did not send my greetings to him. Anyways, I want to say thank you to the Holy Ghost who works through Mr. Awosoga for providing quiet study rooms for undergrad and graduate students to study! Thank you to David Awosoga and Justin Zhou for providing your Albertan wisdom to CCF and initiating fruitful conversations with other brothers and sisters in Christ!

I celebrated my 20th birthday at L’Arche Lethbridge!
I celebrated my 20th birthday at L’Arche Lethbridge!

My second co-op job was one of the most unique jobs in my undergrad because it was the first time, where my parents were not within driving distance. It was also the first time that I was not working professionally with patients. It was the first time that my job and home were integrated together. You may be questioning: How is that the case?

I actually worked at L’Arche Lethbridge, which aims to promote inclusion, independence and cooperation among people with intellectual disabilities (also known as Core members). My job title was a live-in assistant at L’Arche Lethbridge. I would live inside a home with the Core members and other live-in assistants. For some context, Core members and live-in assistants would be sleeping in different rooms to prevent any signs of sexual immorality. The goals of this job are to maintain the home in a good condition and to encourage Core members to be more independent. I was responsible for assisting with Core members’ morning routines and evening routines. I was also responsible for cleaning up the home and driving Core members to different appointments, such as seeing the doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, or mental health practitioner.

I treated CORE members and live-in assistants with KFC at the end of my time at Lethbridge, Alberta!
I treated CORE members and live-in assistants with KFC at the end of my time at Lethbridge, Alberta!

Importantly, the point of me reporting these responsibilities is not to gain fame or the praise of others, e.g. I am a good boy or 我是一個好孩子 (Chinese translation for “I am a good kid”). The truth is that learning how to take care of a home and other Core members allowed me to examine the main responsibilities of sisters in Christ. Maintaining the home in a clean and tidy fashion was one of the main duties of sisters in Christ. Nurturing relationships of other people and most importantly, God, was the other main duty of sisters in Christ. It is not to say that brothers in Christ do not have this responsibility but brothers in Christ have a duty to help sisters in Christ with nurturing. This is an example of companionship, where a brother in Christ helps a sister in Christ and a sister in Christ helps a brother in Christ.

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. -1 Thessalonians 5:11

Through fruitful conversations and spending quality time with live-in assistants and Core members, I was able to witness and learn how to care for one another. In return, live-in assistants and Core members also learned about my life as a student and kept me accountable by reminding me of certain aspects. They reminded me to sign certain documents for completing a task. They reminded me to cook meals for Core members before attending the weekly meetings. They reminded me to feed medication in the morning and evening. These are examples of reminders that helped me increase my lack of awareness and my maturity in personal skills and faith.

I received 2 gift cards and a birthday card for my 20th birthday!

I was also able to learn more about the lives of Core members and live-in assistants, which inspired me to grow up and continue growing as a brother in Christ. I am grateful for having this co-op experience as it taught me how to honor not just brothers but also sisters as well. From this, it sounds as if everything went smoothly or well in my second-co-op job. BUT…

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I will wrap up Part 2 of Graduation Reflection by leaving the suspense in Part 3 of Graduation Reflection! In summary, I introduced the undergrad experience during pandemic times and highlighted the first life experience and partially the second life experience.

