Listening to the Voice of God

Josh Lee
Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2019

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27–28

A deep relationship with someone involves consistent, two-way communication. Whether it is with parents, friends or significant other, no relationship can last without it. Our relationship with God is the same, it involves both speaking to him through prayer and listening to him in obedience. Some think it is crazy that God can speak to us, that a mysterious being, although not physical, can communicate with us. But our God can and does, speak to us. While God does speak to us outside the Bible, what he says to us will always match the Bible. God often speaks in surprising and unexpected ways and if we are not paying attention, we can completely miss what he is trying to say to us. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. If Jesus knows you and you know him, isn’t it obvious that you know when he is speaking to you? Furthermore, when God speaks to you are you listening? And are you obeying?

How does God speak to us?

“For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive” Job 33:14

God can speak to us in many ways, here is a short list of way God can speak, this is no means a conclusive list.

An Audible voice

The Bible recounts many instances where God spoke directly to a person as an audible voice, not many people today hear the audible voice of God, I would consider this a gift from God to be able to hear him as an audible voice. When John Baptized Jesus the voice of God spoke (Matthew 3:17). It spoke a word of encouragement and affirmation to Jesus, confirming the sonship to the father. This method is very direct and unmistakable

Through others

God can speak to us through others. He can use both people in our lives and complete strangers to speak to us. The Holy Spirit spurs others to speak, just as Paul did to the ancient church (1 Thess 2:13) This is a very common way God uses to speak, which is why there are many spiritual gifts of speaking and hearing. This method of speaking requires us to pay attention as it is not always obvious that God is speaking through someone.

Dreams and Visions

Again, the Bible has many instances of God speaking through dreams and visions. He spoke to Joseph through 2 visions telling him he would be the greatest among his brothers, and to Abraham reminding him of the promise to grant him a son. This method of speaking can be clear and powerful, but often we doubt ourselves saying it’s just a dream and we forget the dream or vision.

Still Small voice

Kings 19:11–12: The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

Elijah experienced a powerful wind, a tremendous earthquake and a raging fire, but was not in any of them. When God spoke, he spoke to Elijah’s heart, and it was through a still small voice. God shouldn’t have to yell to get our attention, as a child knows the parents voice even when it’s faint, so too should we know when God whispers. This is the most common way in which God speaks to us, it can be referred to as conviction or prompting but it’s all the inner voice of God that speaks to our hearts. God’s voice can take the form of thoughts, but they are not ours, an early indicator is when you know you would not have thought of it yourself. It can be easy to doubt when we have heard God. It takes practice and faith to recognize God’s still small voice.

Why do we need to listen to God?

Because a relationship is not a one-way stream of communication, as humans we do not form strong relationships by just speaking to another person, we must listen as well. Additionally, if we want to take part in God’s plan, we must know his will. As a good and faithful servant seeks to know the heart of the master, so too should we seek God’s will. It takes practice and faith to listen to the various ways God speaks, being aware that God is speaking to you is the first step to listening.

James 1:5–6: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Pray! Ask God to speak to you, he is good and more than willing to speak to you. He is your heavenly Father and he wants to take part in all aspects of your life. Listening to the voice of God is not done only when you need guidance, rather, it is a conscious decision to ask ourselves in each and every moment, “what is the Spirit of God telling me?”.

It is important to note that we must not think hearing God’s voice alone is sufficient. Reading your Bible is a fundamental when knowing who God is, and in knowing God, you will be able to distinguish his voice and grow in confidence that you are hearing from Him. If you are unsure check with the Bible. The voice of God always lines up with His written word. As your relationship with God deepens you will know more and more of who he is and what he sounds like.

Ask mature trusted believers, people who know God can help you discern God’s voice.

Lastly, have faith. It’s so easy to disregard the things we hear, especially if God is asking you to do something, it may be something you are not inclined to, However, obedience is part of listening to the voice of God. It involves hearing what the Father has to say and responding in faithful obedience. We should trust God and the leading of the Holy Spirit as we experience his goodness it will become easier to recognize his voice.

