When I First Met You

Jenica Batangan
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2023
Photo by MARIOLA GROBELSKA on Unsplash

A spoken word poetry written and performed by Lizzet Arriesgado, Jazmine Daniel, and Jenica Batangan from Power to Change ministries.

Dedicated to our personal testimonies.


When I first met you, you were unknown

Yet I was astonished by the wonder and power in your name.

Your warm embrace, with my fear interlaced.

It was a miracle.

Pain so unbearable to be understood, she forced a smile to reach the corners of her frail lips.

With over 5 years of remission,

yet false hope was in repetition.


When I first met you, I was beyond lost

I had made idols of what brought me temporal peace

An emptiness prevailed in me

despite filling myself up with the world

Wandering in abyss of loneliness and pain

Only Your love and compassion could bring me back again

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you”


When I first met you I was a child

desperate for love,

a child who had yet to experience

the overwhelming fulfillment of knowing and being loved by you.

I found identity in my pain,

developing an addiction to existing

in a state of melancholy and catastrophe.

I rejected any opportunities for healing and restoration,

Vindicated in my anger and hurt that I felt entitled to

I allowed the feelings of hurt to guide me into a self-imposed isolation

that set up the snare of self-sufficiency I often find myself trapped in now, as an adult.

Photo by Karen Lau on Unsplash


We meet again, yet I feel uncertain in the moving streets of this city,

Muffled voices mixed in with my thoughts

The boundary between who I am and who I’m not, become shattered in the questions of “why, why, why?”

“Why must I see us fall apart, like sheep without its shepherd, following one another over the cliff of darkness?”

Alienating ourselves to put our spirit to sleep,

My brain could deem any outcome impossible for my prayer to be answered with

a yes and amen.

But I simply realized that I needed to be ready for whatever was to come.

“As the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”

And when I keep waiting for something to happen,

thinking my vision is the only way,

I forget to stop and listen to You saying

Your plan is better.

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

‬And when You say,

“For I know,”

that is enough for me.


Father you have stayed faithful to your promises

As only You can

The answer to every creeping doubt

Would be Your name


The hold that shame and fear had on me

The clutches that threatened to keep me trapped

in the sight of Your glory

Have lost their grip

Comfort beyond comfort

Warmth that cannot compare

You held me there

“And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age”

Repeats in my soul, over and over,

Knowing the God of the universe will never leave nor forsake His children,

His daughter.


My unwillingness to let go of the anger I felt so entitled to blinded me to the heavy weights I was carrying

Inhibiting my ability to love others

In my commitment to serve and follow You I have never felt more liberated

Dwelling on who You are, the lengths that You have gone to save me, how much You love me

completely overwhelms me

It encourages me to love boldly and instills a peace within me

A hope that there is more to this life than struggle, that You are faithful and steadfast in how You love me.


There are many times when the word cancer seems more powerful than the one who gives peace

But then I take a breath and say,



The king of kings, the prince of peace, the one who will wipe away every tear, whose light is brighter than any other, whose love is simple, yet so powerful to love the imperfect version of you and I.


Even when I beg and anxiety hits

And It feels like the air in my lungs are leaving and I’m no longer receiving,

I cry out, “Depart from me, all you workers of evil, for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.”


Even when all may seem lost and doubt lurks again

I remember,

“Yes my soul find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.”


Even when I feel overwhelmed and I’m quick to discredit myself,

Father, you remind me that my capacity are not rigid parameters dictated by my self doubt, but rather my abilities begin and end with you.



