You May Have Friends, But Do You Have Brothers?

John Gu
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2022
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
1 Peter 1:22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart
Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue
Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

To have a great brother in Christ is an immense privilege and blessing. For even with companions that are not united under the family of God, Ecclesiastes 4 says that “two are better than one… if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.” How much more, then, is it a blessing to have a bond stronger than blood with another whose heart and aim is the same? How much greater is the joy, the encouragement, and the sanctification when fellow children of God band together in unity?

You may have friends, but do you have brothers? The beauty of brotherhood is beauty that is sadly appreciated and rejoiced over far too rarely. Surely, in our selfishness and self-reliance, we’ve missed out on so much good and so much joy. What a tragedy that is! I highly suspect that Satan, in our lives, actively works against us in the very bonds that are meant to strengthen us. In this, we struggle against a formidable opponent who is much stronger than any of us. Yet, despite what keeps brothers apart, we have hope in the God who brings us together. May that hope bring us to pray.

I wrote this following poem to the great joy and lifting of my spirit that recent fellowship with a brother has brought to me. It was beyond words, what God did in both of us, and in bringing us together. Through that time, I was given a newfound appreciation for brotherhood, and a conviction to greater acts of love. In those moments of awe in what God has blessed me with, I was reinvigorated to pray, and re-motivated to encourage. Out of those great things working in my heart, came the birth of this poem. Hopefully, as you read, you’ll be able to relate, being reminded of those very brothers in your own life.

Beware my prayers, oh ye demons

For the love of my beloved brother compels me

Earnestly, I join the fray

Fighting, until my strength gives way

Beware my prayers, oh ye devil

As I drop to my knees and wrestle

To my Almighty Father, I run

Through the love of Christ the Son

Beware my prayers, oh evil spirits

For the love of my beloved brother compels me

I see his desires and life’s aim

And rejoice, for mine is the same

Beware my prayers, oh my cold heart

From my commitment to him, I will not depart

Oh, His heart for the kingdom so great

In the battle, a trustworthy mate

Beware my prayers, oh discouraged soul

For the love of my beloved brother compels me

Spiritual and unseen, the battle fought

Sweet fellowship this world knows not

Beware my prayers, oh ye demons

As we stand together through every season

In all the trials we jointly face

Burdens shared, we run the race

Beware my prayers, oh trials and temptations

For the love of my beloved brother compels me

How precious to me this faithful kin

A shield from God, against deadly sin

Beware my prayers, oh wicked world

Despite the suffering you have hurled

Triumph over us, you will not

For victors we are in the battle fought

Beware my prayers, oh great adversary

The weight of guilt we no longer carry

Be in fear and know thy defeat

Assured by God, in heaven we’ll meet

Oh my brother, may you be blessed

For God is good, as we confessed

Till the darkness fades, and we see the dawn

Then in grace when tears are gone

We’ll meet again, clothed in light

In fullness of joy, reunite



John Gu
Editor for

An angel once told me I had a way with words, so here I am, trying to put them to good use.