Eastern Europe | Panthers Abroad

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2020

“Business in Eastern Europe” Romania, Serbia, and Hungary| Despina Fergadakis| WinterIm 2019–20 | Marketing Major

Why did you want to study abroad and to this location specifically?

I wanted to study abroad to these locations because they are not typical places students choose to study abroad and I wanted to learn more about them.

In what ways was this country the most different from living in the U.S.?

All three countries had a communist government that ended about 30 years ago. This was the most different aspect compared to the U.S. since we’ve always been a capitalist nation. It was interesting learning firsthand about everyday life during communism, it’s economic implications, and the transition to a capitalist market.

What did a typical day look like for you?

A typical day began with a lecture in the morning at businesses or universities. Some of the highlights were our visits to Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd. in Romania, a political science lecture at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, and KPMG Global Services in Hungary. Then we would have free time to explore the city or go on planned excursions. We went on walking tours, visited parliamentary buildings, and medieval castles in Romania!

How much did this trip impact your educational experience and in what ways?

This trip impacted my educational experience in a completely new way! I learned directly from native professionals about business practices and how they differ compared to the U.S. I learned the most by being in the setting, not only listening, but witnessing these cultural differences. The trip broadened my perspective because I was exposed to new points of view on history, the global economy, politics, and current events.

What was your favorite memory from the trip?

My favorite memory from the trip was the view of the mountains in Transylvania! The best part overall was making new friends in Lubar! I didn’t know anyone before the trip but we all became close and even have classes together this semester.

This could be you! Check out the options we have for studying abroad here. If you’re interested in learning more, the Center for International Education is located in Garland Hall, Room 138 or can be contacted at (414) 229–4846 and cie@uwm.edu.




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