Germany | Panthers Abroad

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4 min readOct 25, 2019

Berlin, Germany| Nash Hadle| Fall 2019 | Finance and Economics Major

Why did you want to study abroad and to this location specifically?

I chose Berlin specifically because of its allure to younger people. As an expanding and very artsy city, there’s always plenty to do for people my age. It’s also arguably one of the (if not the) most historical cities on earth.

In what ways was this country the most different from living in the U.S.?

There are tons of differences between Berlin and the U.S. The most noticeable are food and drinking culture. There’re heaps of bread served at every meal, and beer is much more attainable (it’s normally to drink 3–4 beers at the movie theater). The second major difference is how active the city seems to be. I regularly see people in their 70’s and 80’s riding their bikes around and finding ways to stay mobile. I think this is awesome, especially because of how sprawling and expansive Berlin is. It’s truly impressive to see how people choose to get around on a daily basis.

What did a typical day look like for you?

A typical day for me starts at about 8am. I’ll either whip up some breakfast at my apartment, or I’ll go around the corner to my favorite coffee shop (Coffee Cult). I usually have classes for 4–5 hours, which conclude around 3pm. After class I hop on my bike and head to the gym (Berlin Strength) which is about 3 miles down the road. Exercise is a huge part of my life back home, so I keep that same routine while I travel as well. After a good session at the gym, I come back to my apartment and see what some of my fellow students are doing that night, in terms of eating, or going out to bars. If nothing is going on, I’ll usually walk into downtown and see what I can discover. These aimless strolls I go on have been the biggest part of me really seeing and getting to know Berlin. By the time I get back its usually around midnight, and it’s time to hit the sack so I can do it all over again the next day.

How much did this trip impact your educational experience and in what ways?

This trip to study has made a huge impact. Not only has it been awesome to be able to fully function in a completely different culture but having to balance my free time and schoolwork has been a very nice challenge. Being able to balance these things, and ultimately thrive in this new environment has really made me confident that I can live/function anywhere, which is a pretty good feeling!

What was your favorite memory from the trip?

Oddly enough I don’t have one favorite memory. However, all of my favorite moments have come from spending time around the people I’ve met here. It’s really been great to make friends from all over the world, and it has helped me feel comfortable in this new place. I do remember a period of about a week where everyone started calling me “Nashie Washie”, which is my nickname back home. So, I think that’s pretty funny, and definitely one of my favorite things to think about.

This could be you! Check out the options we have for studying abroad here. If you’re interested in learning more, the Center for International Education is located in Garland Hall, Room 138 or can be contacted at (414) 229–4846 and




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