Ireland | Panthers Abroad

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4 min readSep 9, 2019
Photo: Kelsey Zange

Ireland | Kelsey Zange | Summer 2019 | Bachelor of Arts in History, Minor in Political Science, and Celtic Studies Certificate

Why did you want to study abroad and to this location specifically?

I knew I wanted to study abroad for a couple of reasons. It gives you an opportunity to learn and live in a new and different culture than your own, it tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations, and it gives you the kind of experience that you can only get through studying abroad.

One reason I chose Ireland was because I was taking Irish language classes through UWM and a representative from CIE came to our class to talk about the three week study abroad opportunity that takes place over the summer. Of course I was interested, who wouldn’t be? I’ve also always just had a general interest and passion for Ireland and the Irish culture.

Photo: Kelsey Zange

In what ways was this country the most different from living in the U.S.?

There were actually so many more differences than I thought there would be. From things like driving on the left side and signs being in Irish and English, to just the overall attitude of people. This trip took me to a remote place in the northwestern part of the country, in County Donegal, a town called Gleann Cholm Cille (Glencolumbkille). There was one road connecting everything, one very small grocery shop, three restaurants, and the school. Obviously that is completely different than the life and world I know in Milwaukee. The people who lived there though were easily some of the nicest people I have ever met. Extremely welcoming, friendly, and willing to have endless conversation with you. You don’t usually see that kind of hospitality in the US.

Photo: Kelsey Zange

What did a typical day look like for you?

I stayed in a “self catering home” so we were in charge of cooking for ourselves. So I would make myself breakfast in the morning and then walk to the building where my language class was being held. Everyone in our group was in a different level so we were all dispersed. We would start at 10:00 and go until 11:15 or so and then we would have tea time. A nice 15-minute break where we could have tea or coffee and cookies. It was a great chance to rest your brain after doing language. Then it was right back to class until 1:00. Then we were on our own for lunch, which went until 3:00. Then we would return to language class again. There would be another tea time at 4:00 and then we’d end class at 5:00. Every night the school offered some sort of activity; singing on Monday, poetry on Tuesday, a concert on Wednesday, Céilí dancing on Thursday, and Friday we would preform a song or poem we learned in class. Then we would always somehow end the night at Roarty’s (one of the local pubs).

Photo: Kelsey Zange

How much did this trip impact your educational experience and in what ways?

This trip actually somewhat changed the path that I was on. It made me realize that I wanted to continue with the Celtic Studies certificate that UWM offers and maybe even changed where I am looking at grad schools (Ireland look out, I’m comin’ back).

I just ultimately fell in love with the language, culture, and history and I can definitely see myself spending more than just a month there.

Photo: Kelsey Zange

What was your favorite memory from the trip?

It is so hard to pick just one favorite memory, but one of the most amazing things we did was visit Sliabh Liag, the tallest cliffs in Europe. They were absolutely breathtaking and it was impossible to look away. One other thing that really stuck with me was the regular Céilí dancing. It’s a wonderful way to meet new people and it’s loads of fun. Imagine square dancing but Irish.

This could be you! Check out the options we have for studying abroad here. If you’re interested in learning more, the Center for International Education is located in Garland Hall, Room 138 or can be contacted at (414) 229–4846 and




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