UX Alive 2017 Speakers and Workshops

UX Alive


Do not miss the chance to save 40% off with Super Early Bird campaign until the end of the year. See what has happened in UX Alive 2016.

Here you can find already confirmed speakers and workshops of UX Alive 2017!

A firm believer that there’s always another way to look at a challenge, Alberta has been hacking things to make them work better for humans since she was a child.

An incorrigible nomad, she’s lived in Italy, California and is now based in London. Alberta is Director of End-to-End Service Design at Lloyds Banking Group, where she leads a team that works on making a real impact on the financial outcomes of people, by looking after the big picture as well as focusing on the very small things that, she says, ‘matter a lot’.

Unafraid of challenging conventions, Alberta puts people at the heart of her design process, and contends that you should always under-promise and then over-deliver.

In her natural habitat she’s sitting on the floor surrounded by bits of paper and post-its or standing in front of a whiteboard with a handful of markers. If she’s not there, you can find her on Twitter or playing ice hockey at a rink nearby.

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/albertarebla

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albertasoranzo

With more than 20 years of experience in UX, UI, product, and service design field Andrea brings skills from cognitive psychology and computer science in conjunction with a passion for UX and Human-Centred Design, brand management and marketing sensibility to his teams and projects.

He refined his education at Stanford and MIT and he worked with, and for, companies like Apple, Google, Samsung, Nokia but also Ryanair and Virgin Media. His currently leading the Experience Design for Sony Mobile shaping the Xperia ecosystem.

Personal Website: http://www.andreapicchi.it

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreapicchi

Twitter: https://twitter.com/andreapicchi

Founder of the usability and user experience-consulting agency youspi GmbH, as well as organizer of the World Usability Congress (www.worldusabilitycongress.com). He has worked in the field of User Experience, Customer Experience, Usability and Service Design for more than 10 years, consulting organizations of all sizes and various industries.

Hannes earned the Customer Experience Management Certification in the USA in 2007 and was a successful participant in the BETA phase of the Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (CPUX) — F (2013) Level of German UPA in 2013. Furthermore, he completed a Design Thinking certification in Los Angeles in 2014.

Hannes is a lecturer for Design Management, usability and user experience and has given speeches at various national and international conferences. Moreover, he author of “UX Redefined — Winning and Keeping Customers with Enhanced Usability and User Experience”, a book covering the essentials of usability and user experience published by Springer. Hannes is Vice President of UXPA Austria and he was elected to the president of LabX a research association for interaction and experience in 2015.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannesrobier

Twitter: @Hannes_Robier

iGoogle product design lead who creates innovations in hyper-local moment markets and connected learning spaces. Prior to joining Google, she was Experience Design Director at G20 Media where she leveraged futurists, engineers and story-tellers to build physical space interactives and immersive experiences. At G2O, she designed the CEO portal at Google’s Sao Paolo office that lets visiting CEO’s test-drive Google’s next-gen technology during business negotiations with Google executives.

Songul’s early career began at R/GA New York, where as design lead she revamped Nike’s digital strategy including its mobile POS interactions, and at ESI Design, where she designed the Interactive Ellis Island Immigration Museum in NY and the Tryon Palace interactive experience.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/songulaslanturk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sa1222

DevOps, and Service Design with global corporations from NYC to Berlin to Singapore. As Chief Design Officer at PraxisFlow, he works with a select group of corporate clients undergoing Lean and Agile transformations across the entire organization. Will is also the Design Thinker-in-Residence at NYU Stern’s Berkley Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Will was previously the Managing Director of TLCLabs, the world’s leading Lean Design Innovation consultancy where he brought LeanUX, Lean and Kanban to large media, finance, and healthcare companies.

Before TLC, he led experience design and research for TheLadders in New York City. He has over 15 years industry experience in design innovation, user experience strategy and research. His roles include directing UX for social network analytics & terrorism modeling at AIR Worldwide, UX Architect for social media site Gather.com, and UX Architect for travel search engine Kayak.com. He worked at Lotus/IBM where he was the senior information architect, and for Curl — a DARPA-funded MIT project when he was at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/semanticwill

Twitter: https://twitter.com/semanticwill

Shipra Kayan has over a decade of experience as a User Experience professional. She loves helping design and engineering teams make empathy based decisions from understanding users contexts and problem framing all the way to testing and validating final prototypes. In her spare time, she reads about botany and is obsessed with houseplants. She lives in San Francisco, and writes on medium.

Detect and avoid biases, Listen Deeply — Workshop

In this 3 hour workshop, we will go through a series of exercises to evaluate and understand our own biases while conducting user research. We will follow this with a series of methods that can help us detect and avoid these biases when collecting and synthesizing data. This will not be a lecture format, but a series of hands-on exercises that will create an environment where we can learn from each other.

The workshop is aimed at mid-level professionals (3–10 years of experience) who already have experience conducting customer interviews or observations. The methods in this workshop will help improve your process for ethnographic style observations or contextual interviews, but may not directly apply if you primarily conduct focus groups or surveys.



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