Front-end developers are engineers too

Let the experts be experts

Brian Vaughn


Throughout my career I’ve played the role of server-side developer, database manager, front-end developer, graphic designer, business analyst and several other random duties. I’m familiar with what goes into each role but in the long run I’m a front-end guy, both UX design and straight-up code. I’ve spent a lot of effort into being good at what I do so I’m always baffled as to why some places don’t want to take advantage of that.

Many businesses and start-ups don’t have the luxury of a UX/designer person. It’s just a bunch of backend guys with a good idea. I get that. Those are the cases when off-the-shelf solutions like Bootstrap and other frameworks make sense. They’re solving an immediate problem that they can’t otherwise solve. It makes sense.

What doesn’t make sense is using something like Bootstrap when there is a team of front-end developers and designers at your disposal. Just like server-side developers, front-side people are specialized at what they do. They know the front really well, so why do you want a back-end guy solving front-end problems? And vice versa…

I don’t want to waste my time learning how to write .NET controllers when I have a team of devs that have spent their career being experts. I expect the same thing the other way.

I want problems

Front-end devs, UI guys…whatever you classify them as…they want to solve problems too. We’re engineers just like the folks writing .NET or Java. We welcome problems. We want problems. We want to find the best solution to create the best product experience possible. We all trying to achieve the same goal.

Having server-side developers solve front-end engineering problems with built-in helpers and plugins is not a good solution…not when you have other developers that know better. When you an expert on staff, let them be an expert, otherwise it’s just a waste.

This isn’t a hate rant against Bootstrap. I use Bootstrap when it makes sense…and that’s the key…knowing when to use it. Bootstrap can solve a lot of problems and save a lot of time when used in the proper situation. If Bootstrap is the best solution, let the front-end guys decide that.

Believe it or not, you don’t have to do everyone’s job. When there is a team…if it’s a true team…everyone plays a role that will help move the ball towards the end-zone. Quarterbacks throw. Receivers catch. Kickers kick. I never saw Joe Montana kick a field goal.

Why make your job harder? Lean on the experts you have.

