Usability => User Experience — Day 17
1.0 Recap
Yesterday, I looked at what empathy design is and why it is needed when designing for users. I also wrote a little bit about E-S (Empathizing-Systemizing) Theory. You can check out the recap here.
2.0 Usability
Today, I looked at usability in UX. Usability plays a vital role in UX.
If your product or service is not usable, then you should stop looking at UX
Usability means how easy it is to access a product or service you are using. If a design is difficult to navigate or access, then it’s not usable. Let’s see an example, a website’s interface. What makes a website’s interface usable:
- It should be easy to navigate through in the first contact.
- It should be easy to remember when next you visit the sites.
- A user should be able to achieve it’s objectives when he/she visits the sites.
Usability can be measured through the design phase or cycle from wireframes, prototypes to the final product.
When testing usability for websites, you usually take note of the time it takes users to navigate on your site.
Tomorrow, I’ll be looking at factors for usability on websites.
3.0 Resources
The best way to learn is by asking questions and letting people know how you understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment, we will definitely learn from it🙂.