Factors for websites usability => User Experience — Day 20

Blessing Orazulume
UX Design for a Novice
2 min readOct 4, 2018

1.0 Recap

Yesterday, I didn’t do much of studying. I had a conversation with a colleague of mine who has experience in UX. He pointed me to some resources which I shared here.

2.0 Factors that contribute to websites usability

How do you feel when you are trying to load a website, but it takes too long for the web pages to show up? This might turn off users and prevent them from coming back to your websites. Here are some factors that contribute to websites’ usability:

  • Server => Servers influence how fast a page loads. Depending on the data you want to serve on the client side, you need to choose the right server to prevent slow page load.
  • HTML => If some links are broken or a user is trying to access a non existing webpage from your sites’ URL, you should show a 404 page.
  • Visual Factors => Designers play a major role here. Most of what is looked at include: fonts, colours, navigation, branding e.t.c. For navigation, you want to make sure users are able to move from point A(entry) to point B as quickly as possible. With branding(e.g logos), it should help users know where they are on a website. It is most times located at the top-left side of the website.

There are some website usability testing tools you can use to test how usable your website is. Examples of these tools include:

You can checkout a whole list here.

In general, the key things you want to take note of when thinking about website usability are:

  • users can get to your website
  • users can use and navigate your website easily
  • users can form an emotional bond with your products or services
  • users can trust that your website is secured.

3.0 Resources

The best way to learn is by asking questions and letting people know how you understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment, we will definitely learn from it

