Experience Design => User Experience — Day 23

Blessing Orazulume
UX Design for a Novice
2 min readOct 7, 2018

1.0 Recap

Yesterday, I looked at what user research is and why it was important to conduct this type of research during the development process of products. You can check it out here.

2.0 Experience Design

Today, I watched videos from Marc Hassenzahl, who is a professor for User Experience in Germany. Before watching the videos from Marc, I had to answer the question below in relation the experience design the way I understood it.

Why is it a good idea to focus on designing experiences rather than focusing on designing product features.

My response:

I think it’s good practice to focus on users experience because you want users to bond with the product you are designing. It also allows you to build or create products that solve the user’s problem because you focus on the empathy of the user. It doesn’t matter if the functionalities work as expected, if it doesn’t solve the user’s problem, then you are not creating the right product.

With experience design, you are able to capture the user’s emotions towards the problem you are solving for, and this will guide you to create innovative solutions to that problem.


After watching Marc’s videos, who talked a lot about focusing more on the experience rather than the user, I saw experience design from another angle.

My previous response was more focused on the user and not the experience. Marc’s perspective made me realise that experience is the key in developing the right product for users because experience focuses on user’s psychology.

The moment one experiences something, he/she wants to keep it in memory thereby forming a story around it. This will allow the person to remember the experience using the story formed and in turn communicate with people based on these experiences. This means that we are designing for the stories and putting these stories into products.

3.0 Resources

The best way to learn is by asking questions and letting people know how you understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment, we will definitely learn from it 🙂.

