Afsara Begum
UX-Design Unit
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2017

For the UX UI design unit me and my team members created an interactive tablet game targeting the ages 14–25. After researching and concluding the starting stages of our project we got the chance to present our beginning stages and game to the Maritime Museum staff members in charge of this project. We decided to use Google slides to present our work as it makes our ideas come across more organised and presentable.

Fortunately our team had amazing feedback which we did not expect such as:

“Good audience research and nice inspirations from other games”, by Chris
“This idea could also be a mobile application, cross-media is good” by Fabrice
“Good use of research and narrowed down target audience.” by Ben

As you can see we recieved many agreements and approvals on our presentation. As we got a lot of good response it means that the work we have done so far is on the right track and the museum liked our idea and felt it is suitable for the Maritime Museum. We also asked them possible improvements we could add into our work such as social media sharing and selfie picture as avator icons. They informed us that they attempted social media sharing on one of their tablets previously however many people were not comfortable to use it, therefore it was not successful. Many people did not want to input personal details such as social media passwords on a shared computer as they felt its not safe, therefore based on this reliable source we decided not to have a social media sharing feature. For the selfie avator feature the team felt people may take advantage of it and take disturbing pictures such as nudity and negative hand gestures (eg. middle finger) which is sensitive for museum goers to see. The purpose of the game may be effected by the selfie avator feature therefore we do not want to promote it.

We also recieved criticm from the team such as:

“Animation is fine, but you have to be careful with audio (your piece may be competing with other pieces). Not a good idea to let people re-play the same level”, by Ben
“Environment sound (eg: wind or birds) are good, spoken voice is not”, by Fabrice

Fortunately I was able to jot down the critism and wrote quick action plans on sticky notes:

Action plan sticky notes after formative presentation


  • Pick out an environmental sound like ocean waves, ships sailing, winds and wind storms
  • Do not have replay level so think about doing a run through game where you can only level up to win or players die and the game is finished.
  • Re draw experience map for game
  • Start Wireframing



Afsara Begum
UX-Design Unit

Year 3 student studying Web Media Production at Ravensbourne University