3 Revealing Reasons Why a UX Designer Career Is Stressful

And what you can do with it.

Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club
Published in
7 min readDec 11, 2021


an illustration of a UX designer with too many tasks that make him stressful
unDraw Illustration

Working as a UX designer for over seven years, I faced many interesting challenges. But apart from exciting projects and opportunities, there are situations when a UX design career is too stressful.

According to The American Institute of Stress survey, 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful. 25% of respondents view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives

“Some careers, even if they’re glamorous or emotionally rewarding, can be especially stressful.”

— Geoff Williams in U.S.News

Whether you plan to become a UX designer, or you’re a solid professional already, stressful situations come again and again. Instead of thinking about how to resolve problems, you need to concentrate on your design tasks. So how can you handle both — design and ongoing problems?

There are many reasons why a UX designer career is stressful. One of them is the number of decisions that need to be made to create a user-friendly design. Another one is the tight deadlines. There are way more situations that can break you down.



Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: https://olhabahaieva.ck.page/52893cef89