Bringing Code and Creativity Together: My Post-Bootcamp Design Voyage

The Beautiful Return: How Fullstack Shaped My UX/UI Story

Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club


designer and developer unicorn
unDraw illustration

Being a UX/UI designer for over 9 years is an interesting career. During this time, I worked with clients, startups, and enterprise companies.

While it was a very creative experience, I was missing something. With every finished prototype I had a feeling that my role in every project was over, and I couldn’t see what was going on after design handoff.

And suddenly I realized how to feel this gap and what to do. I was always enjoying communicating with developers and I thought about how valuable and challenging their work is.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t participate in the coding activity, because I don’t know how to code.

This was a time when I decided that I needed to learn how to code what I designed.

The Full Stack Bootcamp Experience

I started to search for a bootcamp that would be a great fit. While there were many of them, as a designer it was important to have a user-friendly learning platform with a good progress track.

After researching many companies, I decided to join one of the best Ukrainian educational bootcamps that met…



Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: