Unveiling the Daily Life of a UX Designer: What I Do Day to Day

What’s it like to be a UX designer?

Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club


ux designer with an iMac shows daily tasks
unDraw illustration

UX designer career is a very interesting and unique opportunity in the tech world. Day-to-day tasks are interesting and challenging and this is a very creative career.

But do you know exactly what every day’s designer looks like? Many junior designers I’ve been talking to have no idea about the things I was telling them from my personal experience.

When I was just starting my career I also had a different vision of my future tasks. Today I am already a senior UX/UI designer. But if I had a chance to explain my current tasks to my past level, I would definitely do it, and here is why.

Communication Is a Key

My friends frequently told me that my work is easy. Their understanding of UX design was that I just create a beautiful vision of the products they are using on their smartphones or laptops.

Even right now I’m going through my own education journey as a full-stack developer and I realize how it’s different from what I expected initially.

Also, if I compare my current tasks at a senior level to a junior level, it’s absolutely two different worlds.



Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: https://olhabahaieva.ck.page/52893cef89