Will UX Design Be Replaced by AI and You Lose Your Job?

Revealing the truth behind AI.

Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club


Human sits in front of AI
unDraw illustration

It's a rise of new AI tools everywhere. When I open my LinkedIn, I immediately see that a new AI product is promoting its services for designers, developers, marketers, etc.

I remember a few years ago AI was something new, and unexpected. No one exactly knew how this technology will be used in the future. Today we are surrounded by many new AI tools that we couldn't imagine before.

Now, looking back at those times I couldn't imagine how my life will be without these new AI tools, especially my UX design career. AI becomes better and better every day and can do more tasks. But there is a big question. Should you worry if AI is going to replace you as a UX designer?

Human Touch Takes Over

I'm a big fan of ChatGPT and I use it daily. It makes my life so much easier, and I can save a lot of time.

For example, I can ask AI to write a user scenario, help me to identify the proper colors, ask about best practices, etc. In terms of the information search, I save hours of my time.

This is where I see that ChatGPT is way stronger than humans. But it doesn't mean that it will replace me as a UX designer.



Olha Bahaieva
UX Designers Club

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: https://olhabahaieva.ck.page/52893cef89