How to Choose the Best Collaborative Software for Your Team

Genesis Benedith
5 min readApr 26, 2024


From software development teams coordinating code changes to UX teams planning website designs, collaborative software enable teams to work together effectively. The user experience (UX) and features of these platforms can help improve collaboration and successfully keep projects on track.

Collaborative software, or documentation tools, are centralized hubs where teams collaborate to create, edit, and organize project and team materials. Popular tools include Google Workspace and GitHub Wiki. By providing a unified space for collaboration, you can facilitate effective communication, streamline workflows, and enhance team productivity.

As a computer science student, I completed an internship as a software engineer and worked as a UX student assistant at my university. We used the tools Confluence and Notion, respectively. Confluence allowed me to document my software and keep my code neat. When the summer ended, Confluence helped the interns pass on what we did to others smoothly. Notion helped me stay updated with meeting notes, design ideas, content plans, and branding materials. We could tag and mention each other in comments, making communication smoother.

Notion workspace template for meeting notes
Notion workspace for meeting notes by Alyssa Zacharias

Whether you’re a designer, developer, or student planning for your next group project, here’s what you should consider when deciding which software documentation tool will be the best fit for your team.

User Experience (UX) and Collaborative Tools

The UX of collaboration software matters. Select a software with an intuitive interface design and user-friendly features. These features enhance usability, making it easier for team members to navigate and engage with the platform.

A good UX can help collaboration, decrease productivity, and save time and resources. It is essential not to overlook UX. This step will ensure a seamless and productive user experience for all team members.

Tools with good UX can better accommodate your team’s needs, ensure a smoother onboarding and training process, and help more team members adopt the platform in their workflow.

Interface for project documentation on Confluence
Project Documentation on Confluence by K15t

Understand Your Team’s Needs

It’s important to understand your team when choosing a tool. Assessing your team’s needs and preferences will ensure efficient collaboration, enhanced productivity, and long-term sustainability. This step enables you to choose a platform that aligns closely with your workflows.

Here are some essential questions to consider when choosing a collaborative documentation tool for your team:

  • What collaboration features are essential for your team’s workflow (e.g., real-time editing, commenting, @mentions)?
  • Is the platform user-friendly and intuitive? Can everyone in your team easily use the platform, regardless of technical skills?
  • Can you customize the platform to fit your team’s unique workflows and preferences?
  • Does the platform integrate smoothly with your other tools (Figma, Zoom, GitHub, etc.)?
  • Can multiple users edit at the same time without causing conflicts?
  • Can you create templates or automate tasks to make processes more efficient?
  • Is the platform cost-effective, or are there cheaper options that still meet your needs?
Commenting & mention features on Google Docs
Commenting features on Google Docs by Benner Dixon

Key Features to Look For

After understanding your team’s needs, prioritize common features for your documentation tool such as:

  • Real-time editing and collaboration: Enables smooth teamwork and communication, allowing simultaneous document editing.
  • Version control and history tracking: Essential for monitoring changes and maintaining document integrity.
  • Integration with other tools: Enhances workflow efficiency by enabling seamless data exchange.
  • Customization for organization and accessibility: Allows teams to tailor the platform to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Security and access management: Ensures protection of sensitive information and compliance with regulations.
Photo of version control for Confluence pages
Version control for Confluence pages by Arthur Mack on Atlassian

Benefits and Drawbacks of Popular Tools

Here are collaborative software I’ve enjoyed and a summary of their benefits and drawbacks to consider:

Notion: An all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate and organize. It’s highly flexible and intuitive. Free with paid plan options.

  • ✅ Drag and drop content, real time editing, comment and mention features, adaptable templates, and advanced search
  • ❌ Limited integration with apps and basic version control

GitHub Wiki: A free platform for sharing detailed documentation about a software project. It’s integrated with the project’s repository, making it a convenient tool for developers.

  • ✅ Simple markup language, integrated with GitHub repositories, and strong version control features
  • ❌ Basic search functionality and limited collaboration or customization features

Confluence: A collaborative software development tool used by teams to create, organize, and discuss work. Offers paid plans with various tiers.

  • ✅ Drag and drop content, real time editing, comment and mention features, adaptable templates, strong version control, and advanced search
  • ❌ Requires some learning curve

Google Workspace: Offers a range of tools like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, which are excellent for collaborative documentation efforts. Paid subscription options for commercial use.

  • ✅ Real time editing, comment and mention features, integrated with other Google apps, advanced search
  • ❌ Limited customization with apps and basic version control
GitHub repository navigation integrated with Wiki Pages
GitHub repository integrated with Wiki Pages

Make Collaborative Tools Work for You

Collaborative software are essential for team collaboration. By adopting one of these tools, you can ensure your team boosts productivity and efficiency.

Here are resources to help you further explore documentation tools mentioned in this article:



Genesis Benedith
Writer for

Computer Science and Technical Writing Student at The University of Arizona