UX for Bots: Must-read articles

Ulysse Bottello
UX for Bots
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2016

So if you’re here, that’s probably mean that you just discovered chatbots and you might be interested by designing them. It’s a very good thing in my opinion!

In this sense, I propose a selection of articles to propel you into the bot hype, classified into 3 categories: “Chatbot 101”, “Bot & business” and “Designing bots”. Articles will be added to progressively.
If you’re interested about this topic, come and discuss on the “UX for Bots” Facebook group!

Good reading!

Bonus Ressources

— “Bots” Facebook group, by Matt Schlicht (+5k people, great community!): https://www.facebook.com/groups/chatbot/

— Chat Bots Week, the leading newsletter about chat bots: http://www.chatbotsweekly.com/

— Chatbots Magazine: https://medium.com/chat-bots

More ?

— Find out the best medium posts about UX & bots : https://medium.com/ux-for-bots

— Last but not least, our community of pioneering designers in the realm of bots : https://www.facebook.com/groups/uxforbots/ (join us!)

We are at the beginning of something new, exciting and promising. Build together the best experience for bots 🙌🏼


EDIT: BotNerds’ article added to “Chatbots 101”

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Ulysse Bottello
UX for Bots

Design at @chatbotfactory, I design conversational assistants and AI-powered products.