List of courses
for UX, HCI or ID aspirants

Yogesh B
UX in India
Published in
6 min readNov 15, 2014


I often come across questions from UX aspirants enquiring about courses they should take up in UX, HCI or Interaction Design. Instead of writing to each of them separately I decided to put it together in this post.

By no means this is a full list of courses available worldwide. Suggestions welcome
Last updated:

There you go:

UX Crash Course: 31 Fundamentals (Free)
This provides a quick overview, so you can go from zero-to-hero as quickly as possible. You will get a practical taste of all the big parts of UX, and a sense of where you need to learn more

HCI Course by Alan Dix
An open, online and FREE course for those interested in learning human-centered design skills. Whether you are a student, or a professional, this course will aim to introduce you to a number of topics related to HCI. It is a series of video lectures supported by key reading materials and exercises, delivered fully online.

HCI Course at Coursera ($252)
Learn how to design technologies that bring people joy, rather than frustration. You will also learn several techniques for rapidly prototyping and evaluating multiple interface alternatives, how to conduct fieldwork with people to help you get design ideas, how to make paper prototypes and low-fidelity mock-ups that are interactive and how to use these designs to get feedback from other stakeholders like your teammates, clients, and users. Overall a good course to help you design user centric products. The Facebook discussion group is here

52 weeks of UX (Free)
A discourse on the process of designing for real people. The authors of this course are Joshua Porter, Director of UX at Hutspot and Joshua Brewer, Principal Designer at Twitter (Membership $80)
Lot of small courses that take you through various principles of UX design. The courses cover subjects like Information Visualisation, Psychology, Gamification, Usablity, Patterns and Design thinking.

Check out details of one of the starter’s course here

HCI Monsoon Course at IIT ($1000/ Rs.60k INR approx.)
The 15-day course conducted by Prof. Anirudha Joshi is an exposure to user studies, interaction design, usability evaluation and user experience metrics. This course helps you to conceptualise, design and evaluate interactive products systematically. The course usually happens during the Monsoons when the weather in Mumbai is pleasant.

Certified Usability Analyst from HFI ($6k/ Rs.90k INR approx.)
The CUA Certification consists for four courses from HFI
• User-centered Analysis and Conceptual Design - 3 days
• The Science and Art of Effective Web & Application Design -3 days
• Practical Usability Testing - 2 Days
• Put research into Practice - 2 Days

You can even take the certification exam without taking these courses

Core Programme in UXD (Rs.23k INR approx.)
This course conducted by Design Incubator teaches you UX Delivery Process, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Interface Design, Navigation Design and Usability Best Practices

User Experience Design Fundamentals by Udemy ($99)
In this course you’ll learn how to create effective web sites, mobile sites and mobile applications that encourage conversions and leave users wanting more. It guides you through the critical elements of user experience — strategy, scope, structure, skeleton and surface. It gives you lifetime access 59 lectures and 11+ hours of high quality content.

There is also an Advanced User Experience Design ($199) at Udemy

Foundations of UX: Content Strategy at ($25/ mo)
As the title couse, this course has a lot of focus on content. It takes you through the process of analyzing and reshaping your web content — not only text but also video, imagery, social interactions, and the metadata that underlies it all — to improve your SEO while refining your brand’s voice. It also teaches you how to develop personas to better understand your audience and evaluate the needs of important stakeholders and influencers.

Intro to UX Design ($59)
This hands-on course introduces you to the basics of user research, usability testing and fundamentals of interface design but also has detailed lectures on many facets of doing UX design. The objective of this course is to introduce traditional designers to the world of UX design.

Centre Centre ($59,880)
This course provides essential skills to become an industry-ready user experience (UX) designer. There is heavy emphasis on project work so that you get plenty of practice honing your technical and interpersonal skills.

Their first class begins Jan 15

User Experience Certification Program ($3110)
(By Nielsen Norman Group)
This course provides a solid foundation and enhances existing knowledge and practical skills in UX design and research

Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University Offers various multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate educational programs that emphasize technology for the benefit of people and society

Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University

Some of the courses offered are PhD in HCI, MHCI & HCI Undergraduate
Exhaustive list of all the courses at CMU offered at is

UX Design by Rutgers
The course teaches you to conduct research, build personas, implement design patterns, content management, information architecture, rapid prototyping, online usability testing, eyetracking and workflow analysis. The course also provides a basic understanding of HCI

There are also other courses very specialized to a certain domain like the one below.

Human Factors EngineeringAeronautics and Astronautics
A course designed to provide both undergraduate and graduate students with a fundamental understanding of human factors that must be taken into account in the design and engineering of complex aviation and space systems

There are lots and lots of courses available on UX. The ones listed above are not the top ones, nor they are my recommendations. These are just some of the courses which I have bookmarked from time to time. For exact details of the course like content, duration, and fees, please visit their respective sites.

If you would like any course to be added here, drop me a mail at pixelfiesta {at} gmail. com or add a comment here.

There is lot of material on UX floating on the internet and its not difficult to find it. I just did a quick search on some of the popular content sites and here are the results pages

Hope this will make things easy for you

If you are really serious about making a career in HCI, you might also want to check this full list of Universities offering HCI graduate programs

Updated: 2014–12–27

UX Designer in 10 weeks ($9500)
This course teaches you the core skills that make up the entire user experience design process. From research and ideation to prototyping and testing, the training will help you solve design problems using proven skills and methods.

Updated: 2014–05–19

Advanced Digital Experience Design
Anyone who dreams to make a simple and meaningful design solution can take up one of the many courses conducted by Kingsley at UX Mint in Chennai, India. The academy help designers to streamline their design thoughts in a logical way by helping guide their instincts to an organized and structured design process.

The Course for Human-Centered Design (Free)
A seven-week curriculum introduces you to the concepts of human-centered design and how this approach can be used to create innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions for social change. This course has been created to reach those who are brand new to human-centered design, so no prior experience is required.

Updated: 2015–06–04

Certified Usability Engineer by Fraunhofer
Take up this 5-day course for a well-founded consulting job in usability engineering.

Fraunhofer uses a fictitious software company as an example to present and discuss usability best practice, based on international usability standards and the DAkkS compendium of usability methodology co-developed by Fraunhofer FIT.

The 5 modules consist of Analysis of context of use and deficits of current procedures, developing user requirements, design of prototypes, testing and user-oriented implementation in an organization

Updated: 2014–07–01

Design Lab UX Academy
This course is specifically designed if you want to switch or launch your career as a UX designer. The course comprises of written lectures, hands-on work, mentorship, portfolio creation, mock interviews, etc. all at a pace that works for you. The course helps you build strong skills in each pillar of UX: from research, to ideation, to visual design, to prototyping and testing. I also teach here.

MS–HCI by Georgia Tech
This is currently one of the top 2 programs in the U.S. at the MS degree level. It provides the practical skills and theoretical understandings needed to become leaders in the design, implementation and evaluation of the next generation of human-computer interfaces.



Yogesh B
UX in India

Mostly tweets about Design, UX, Products, Marketing and startups. Lover of food and outdoors. Follow me as @pixelfiesta