Why we made Vookmark? — Easy video bookmarking

UX in India
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2017

Did you know, 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and it would take you 60,000 years of non-stop watching to watch each and every video on YouTube.

And that’s just YouTube. We have videos available on Facebook, Vimeo, DailyMotion and the best of the best trending in some community on Reddit. For us humans, we have only 24 hours a day…err...maybe 16 hours of awake time. And suddenly you stumble upon a video which you are interested to watch but not at that moment. Or maybe you are quickly glancing through the top videos on reddit and find those catchy titles which you want to queue for the train journey back home. I consume a lot of videos myself -vlogs, tech reviews, movie trailers which pop up across different feeds and there was no easy way to bookmark just the video and watch it later on my device or Apple TV. Hence, wait for it….Vookmark *drum roll*

Vookmark is for Video Bookmark.

No more copy pasting links in your notes app or remembering keywords to search the video later. Even Save link or Watch it later options across multiple sites require multiple taps to save or retrieve the videos when you are ready to watch them. So all you have to do now is install the browser extension and start vookmarking videos you like :)

And then watch them later at your leisure on any of your devices — iPhone, Apple TV, Android (custom iPad app, Android TV, Web access coming soon)

With Vookmark you can bookmark videos with a single tap using our browser extensions for Safari or Chrome. The currently supported sites where you can vookmark videos easily are Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and Reddit. Lookout for the Vookmark Button or Icon next to the video title.

All recently bookmarked videos will show up in your devices in the New section. You can revisit videos again in the Watched section or even mark videos as favourite for quick access.

Someone rightly asked,

Why wouldn’t I just use Pocket for this?

And that’s the thesis of all inhouse products we make at NFN Labs. 1 Can we learn something new? 2. Can we contextualize the user experience for the intent and make someone’s life easier.

Example, when we built Screeny someone asked — why would someone download an app for deleting screenshots? 300,000 people downloaded the app and responded > Why not?

Same is the case with Vookmark. We all watch videos at some point or the other. Our aim is to give you quick access to your favourite videos anytime, on any device by just tapping one button.

Also I feel this is my personal best in logo design :) Couldn’t think of a way to simplify video and bookmark in a better way than this.

So here is the summary — You will never miss watching your favourite videos with Vookmark.

Oh by the way, no points for guessing, we are featured on Product Hunt at the moment. If you like what you read so far — an upvote will make our day.

Here’s how you can ace Product Hunt today :)

We are also constantly working to make the service better each day. Next up is the custom iPad app followed by Android TV and web access. We would love to hear your feedback & suggestions to make Vookmark better. You can write to us on support@nfnlabs.in or get in touch even faster on Twitter @getVookmark

For downloading the Browser extensions and native apps visit our website: vookmark.co

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UX in India

Creator. Designer. Made - Design Minimal, GoLimitless, Water(iOS), Screeny (iOS), Storm it, Vookmark. I run @nfnlabs & @kabadiconnect otherwise