The Flow State of Mind, Can it help designers?

UX Handbook
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2020

I just recently came across the concept of “ Flow state of mind” and started researching more on it. I can guarantee you all that we all have observed that state of mind some of the other time and we all get into that state every day even if it is for a few minutes or seconds too.

So what is Flow state of mind about?

Have you felt sometimes that you are doing some activity and you forgot all the other instances happening in the environment around you and to you like

  • Losing track of time.
  • Forgetting about different feelings like being hungry.
  • Loss in self-consciousness.
  • Loss of Self Doubt and Worry.
  • Being in complete control over oneself and the situation around.

Yes ! you got into what it is called in the “Zone”.

Picture Attribute : monsitj/Getty Images/iStockphoto

YES! This is what the flow state of mind is all about being “ in ZONE” the time for which the mind is highly focused or in scientific terms called “HYPERFOCUS”.

We all get into that state of mind knowingly or unknowingly when we are engaged in certain physical activities like exercising or just walking down on the road, listening to the music or even day to day tasks or any creative pursuit.

Hurray!! Scientists discovered something amazing. Wait a Minute, Not exactly.

This Phenomenon has been existing for quite a long time probably from centuries.

Buddhist Scriptures describe it as Zen Meditation. It has been used by Monks for so long. Many of the old Hindu Scriptures like Vedas talk about this state of mind, sure the words used might be different over there but the concept is exactly the same. Meditation using Sound hymns were used by monks to get into this state.

What Happens in Flow State?

Research states that in the FLOW state of mind the productivity of the mind is boosted by up to 500% and our brain releases many types of neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphins that not only makes us feel happy and have hyper-focus but also helps us get the most challenging task done with ease.

What can help us get into the flow state?

If you would Google this topic probably then you would find tones of articles and videos on it which would state various triggers of getting into flow state like

  • Going for Run
  • Exercising
  • Listening to Music
  • Meditation, Etc
Picture Attribute: Shutterstock

I have experimented with all of this and I can tell you that they work for sure and there is no harm at all in trying them by yourself.

But one thing that I think can help to get into a Flow State of mind is “Doing what you love”. I can assure you one thing “It works like Magic” (Ok I wanted to use this sentence, being a big fan of steve jobs). I love taking photographs and editing them on my cell phone mostly, it is that time when even for a few minutes I forget everything that’s happening around me or to me. I suggest you all try to do what you love doing even for a few minutes a day and see the difference yourself..

How can it help Designers?

Designers are usually facing the challenge of trying to figure out a solution to a problem in a very short period of time and also find the best ways to execute the solution as fast as possible and make the deliverable ready. Because of this sort of pressure, our mind finds it difficult to focus and concentrate, So the solution to this is to get into an in Flow state of mind and try to sustain it.

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From what I discovered when you are in the flow state of Mind then the things which you feel challenging and difficult, you end up enjoying it and completing it sooner then you thought initially because your inner critic goes for a vacation during that phase of mind.

Identify at least three different activities that you love doing, and do them before you start your work if possible during the lunch break or tea break even after work if possible. It doesn’t have to be done for hours, even 10 mins would be enough. Once you are in the HyperFocus Phase your mind would allow you to concentrate more even after that.

Many of the world’s great minds have used this technique, One of the best examples would be Einstein who gifted the world with most amazing discoveries.

Try for yourself, and do share your thoughts on this topic and if you want to read more on this there are a lot of good books and videos from Steven Kotler. Also, read the research done by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jeanne Nakamura.

I hope it helps us all to achieve more than we even think we are capable of.

