The UX London Archives: 2010

Rowena Price
UX London
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018

In the run up to the 10th anniversary edition of UX London, we’re taking a look back through the archives with our creator and curator in chief, Mr Andy Budd.

Our fabulous UX London attendees, getting stuck in with the sticky notes!

UX London 2010

We wanted 2010 to be a great follow up to 2009, and introduced the UK audience to a whole new raft of amazing international speakers like Leah Buley, Karen McGrane and Whitney Hess. I got to invite friends like Joshua Porter, Stephen P. Anderson and Liz Danzico, as well as getting to know Dave Gray and Jesse James Garrett. Jesse paid us a huge compliment at the after party by saying UX London was the closest conference he’d experienced to their own UX Week event, which I finally managed to attend (and speak at) last year. However, the hits of the show for me were Scott McCloud and Michael B. Johnson, who drew amazing parallels between comic book writing and the Pixar moving making process, with interaction design.

— Andy Budd

Leah Buley holding court at UX London 2010

Were you there for UX London 2010? What was your standout talk? We’d love to hear from you!

Tweet us your memories @uxlondon or share your comments below.

Join the Clearleft team and a host of terrific speakers from across the globe at the 10th Anniversary edition of UX London, 23rd-25th May 2018 at Trinity Laban. Tickets are on sale now at

