The UX London Archives: 2011

Rowena Price
UX London
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2018

In the run up to the 10th anniversary edition of UX London, we’re taking a look back through the archives with our creator and curator in chief, Mr Andy Budd.

Workshopping at UX London 2011

UX London 2011

2011 was another great year for UX London, and the first to raise the similarities and differences between UX design and Service Design, a theme we’re still exploring today. Kate Rutter and Kim Goodwin both did amazing sessions, causing us to invite them back several times since. Although it was widely considered that Alan Cooper stole the show that year, my personal favourite talk was Matt Jones discussing, in part, the interaction design of Mary Poppins. This is the first time I’d really considered the idea that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and therefore seeing magic as a legitimate source of technological inspiration.

— Andy Budd

Alan Cooper delivering his ‘It’s All Us’ talk

What were your magic moments from UX London 2011?

Tweet us your memories @uxlondon or share your comments below.

Join the Clearleft team and a host of terrific speakers from across the globe at the 10th Anniversary edition of UX London, 23rd-25th May 2018 at Trinity Laban. Tickets are on sale now at

