
100 Questions Designers Always Ask

Design smarter by asking the right questions.

Jon Moore
UX Power Tools
Published in
10 min readAug 4, 2017


Being a designer isn’t just pushing pixels and perfecting gradients. If I’ve learned anything from my agency day job at Innovatemap and my side project UX Power Tools, it’s that we have to be part designer, part marketer, part sales person, and part user.

Here are 100 questions to ask yourself, the user, and the client.

Let’s start with 50 business questions:

  1. What are the goals of the business?
  2. What are the goals of the product?
  3. Do the business goals support the user goals?
  4. Who am I serving with this design? The user? The client? Myself?
  5. Does the product solve a problem?
  6. Does the product solve a problem efficiently?
  7. Does the product solve a problem effectively?
  8. Is the product even solving the right problem?
  9. Who is the user?
  10. What’s their workspace like?
  11. What’s their workday like?
  12. Is the user technologically-savvy?

