Sketch Tutorials

Sketch Libraries: How they work, and the crazy stuff you can do with them

This new feature is even better than nested symbols. I promise.

Jon Moore
Published in
9 min readSep 1, 2017


Before you do anything, make sure you’ve updated to Sketch 47.

Some Quick Background

If there’s one phrase that’s plagued the design world more than any other over the past year, it’s this: “SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH”.

No, this isn’t a real tattoo. Yes, I always match my t-shirts to my rug.

No, it’s not a singles ad for a fortune-teller (“27, Male. Single, Source of Truth. Loves the Beach.”). It’s this idea of maintaining a central document or library as the end-all-be-all-I-swear-this-is-the-final-version of the design, and all its related pieces.

It’s not a new idea. Developers have always battled each other (and Git 🙄) to keep the code base in sync across large development teams.

And really, it’s not new to design, either.

But the proverbial megaphone for truth has gotten louder over the past couple of years as more and more businesses invest in design, and…

