
Who are we designing for? Designing for Buy-In (Part 1 of 3)

These groups either need to buy-in to fund your vision, or they need to buy-in to truly sell it and market.

Jon Moore
UX Power Tools
Published in
7 min readMay 4, 2017


This is part one of a series of three articles detailing the internal groups we have to design for in order to get great products built and sold. Part one focuses on the groups that must buy-in to your design.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever designed something that some other department absolutely ruined with feedback, ugh you just don’t understand design and aren’t thinking outside of the box!!!

How many of you have ever [had your design ruined] by Regina George? — “Mean Girls II, Art School Cruel”

Same here, sister. Same here.

I presented a design last week that I was super excited about. Here’s a list of things I was excited about, and how the client reacted:

  • Perfect Typography: They didn’t care.
  • Exquisite Color Harmony: They didn’t care.
  • Seductive Drop Shadows: They didn’t care.
  • Handsome Charts and Graphs: “Neat!” (translation: They didn’t care.)

