Things I found on the web this week (20th April)

Jenny Brown
UX Qatar
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2017
Image from Are Gradients The New Colors?

This week: Why Airbnb pays its employees to go on holiday, a fantastic new business metrics tool, practical tips to get you blogging, how to talk to your customers, stop your business failing with empathetic UX.

Here are the things I found interesting on the web this week.

Happy reading!


A Proven Method For Showing The Value Of Good UX
This is basically my manifesto written by someone else! This is why good user experience is essential for your business to succeed.

UX Wireframing: Bedrock of Interface Usability
Even Plato from the 4th Century BC said “The beginning is the most important part of the work”. Wireframing is essential at the beginning of every digital product, the quality of the final product depends on it.

Increase Conversion with Empathetic UX
“Of 90% of digital businesses that fail, a whopping 60% of them fail because they built something nobody wants.” Here’s how to stop that happening to you.


What is a design concept? How to master it?
A good overview of what makes a good design concept, exactly what it means and how to go about making one for your product.

Are Gradients The New Colors?
Colors are one of the most important and powerful elements in design. Time to embrace this most contemporary of design approaches?


How to know what to write about
Hands up who has ever found it difficult to find things to blog about (Me!). Here is a 4-step plan for starting a daily blogging habit and she makes it look easy.


5 Quirky Perks To Offer Employees At Your MENA Startup
Some good ideas on how you can incentivise employees in your startup. Pay for them to take a holiday? Airbnb do…


One of the great things about working in a startup or early stage business is that you generally get to choose and use business tools that actually work, rather than being forced to adopt clunky corporate software. Here’s an example of a great new app that will help you display business metrics in beautiful ways.


When was the Last Time you Talked to Your Customers?
Be honest! Probably not very recently if your business is like most other businesses. This article contains some brilliant tips and examples of how to talk to and learn from yours.

Compiled with ❤️ in Qatar

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Jenny Brown
UX Qatar

Director of Digital Experience and Digital Transformation at Qatar Museums