Things I found on the web this week (9th February)

Jenny Brown
UX Qatar
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

This week: how to improve your brain and become a better entrepreneur, designing VR apps, roadmapping sins that could be killing your product, how to make agile work for you, design tips for web forms and mobile friendly websites.

Here are the things I found interesting on the web this week.

Happy reading!

8 Tips for Designing Mobile-friendly Websites
Here are some excellent, practical tips to help you get your website looking sweet on mobile devices.

Appointment Web Forms
Some great insights you should follow when designing forms on your website or app.

Getting Started With VR Interface Design
A look at how to approach VR apps from a design perspective. Read this if you’re thinking about building one!

In case you weren’t aware of this online tool: “create fully-interactive high-fidelity prototypes that look and work exactly like your app should. No coding required.”


Finding Inspiration for Customer Journey Mapping
“Customer experience mapping can help you to understand why there are not as many completed purchases as you would want and to analyse what you can do to increase your conversion rate.”


Scrum and Kanban: The 2 Agile Frameworks To Get Your MENA Business Rolling
A solid explanation of these 2 different approaches and how they can help your business.

3 Road-Mapping Sins That Could Kill Your Next Product
“The road map is a vital part of product development. But only if it’s done correctly will it save your company from a rude awakening at launch time.”


Studies Say You Can Improve Your Brain (and Become a Better Entrepreneur)
“Researchers say the brain of an entrepreneur functions differently. Build on this outstanding functionality to become more nimble and, yes, smarter.”

Compiled with ❤️ in Qatar

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Jenny Brown
UX Qatar

Director of Digital Experience and Digital Transformation at Qatar Museums