Imposter syndrome as a UX Designer

Kim Chung
UX School
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2022

CogLode, lesser-known Figma tricks, Comic Helvetic, Design systems, and more!

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You have imposter syndrome because you’re an imposter

“Imposter syndrome means you have more to learn. Don’t run from it. Don’t hide it. Don’t look for mental exercises to assuage it. Embrace it. It’s a roadmap to deeper knowledge. It’s a path to expertise. If you feel insecure, practice and study until you’re secure.”

I wanted to feature this article because I’ve been feeling imposter syndrome at work. As a junior UX designer, you don’t quite know everything yet and you haven’t done all the reps. But one thing is for sure — I can do the tasks I’m assigned. I ask questions, I lead meetings, and I design solutions.

Part of overcoming imposter syndrome is realizing that you are capable and that you do good work. Take the time to reflect on the projects and your responsibilities. By celebrating your accomplishments in the role, you notice that you’ve grown in the role. The confidence will help you move forward and fight that feeling of being an imposter.


CogLode Nuggets

You know we love nuggets over here. Coglode is an educational resource that teaches bite-sized, research-based behavioral insights. You don’t have to buy their expensive Boxes to check out their visually stunning cookbook of ideas.

Consider these as the Laws of UX but on steroids, and widely applicable to any project.


Congrats on finishing the Google UX certificate! Here is what’s next for you.

I love this article because it gives helpful next steps after you finish not just Google’s program, but any UX bootcamp.

  1. Expand on what you learned (and keep learning)
  2. Make your work stand out
  3. Think more critically about the impact of your work
  4. Don’t forget to develop your visual skills
  5. Find the right sources to follow
  6. Dive deeper with the right books
  7. Breathe
  8. Challenge your assumptions

While finishing the Google UX certification is not a small feat, the learning doesn’t stop there. As a matter of fact, it never stops regardless of seniority level in the industry. This is a gentle reminder to keep learning about UX.


Comic Helvetic

A beautiful harmony between “Comic Sans” and “Helvetica” that is quite playful-looking. Perhaps we’ll see it incorporated in the next Balsamiq-esk mockup.


“It’s a new year, it’s a new day, it’s a new design project for me, and I’m feeling good.”

- Marc Andrew


Design Systems Showcase: Naming (and renaming) a Design System — Jules Forrest, Credit Karma

Jules is the Design Systems Manager at Credit Karma. She describes her experience with how teams are structuring their design systems and how to refine a system that works not just for designers but developers and other teams as well.


The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Looking for a more in-depth book about data and design, try light read. There are inspiring examples of creative, precise designs that tell a story and reveal insights into the data. As a scientist or data-enthusiast, you might find the idea around visualizing information very meaningful and attractive.


A few lesser-known Figma tips

  1. Copy .svg assets from a browser and paste them directly into Figma
  2. Type in a color name in an input and get a hex value
  3. Double-click the bounding box around text to wrap it into “Auto width”
  4. Press Shift + X on an element to swap stroke and fill colors
  5. Ignore auto layout by pressing space bar as you drag an object


Elmenus Case Study

Designers: Marwa Kamaleldin, Mario Maged, Nehal Nehad, and Abanoub Yacoub

Case Study: Elemenus is a product that aims to help users in Egypt find delivery and dine-out restaurants.

Why this case study is awesome:

  • Extensive research: heuristic evaluation, user journey map, usability testing — many tools here used to understand the needs of the user
  • Before and after: this is a personal preference but I love seeing the comparison of before and after to see what the new features that were added elevate the product
  • Business strategy: this was a comprehensive scheme that links problems, objectives, customer segments, and measurement of success and KPIs; this piece is a standout for companies that are driven by user and business needs

This case study was unique in that there were 4 designers. It was a highly visual plan that was sought out to redesign a website to increase usability. The team researched to discover problems with the old design and present solutions to fix those problems in their new designs.


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Kim Chung
UX School

Eat🍦 Sleep 💤 & Lift 🏋🏻‍♀️ Great ideas will come 💭