UX School Submission Guidelines

Oz Chen
UX School
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2019

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interested in having your article featured in the UX School Medium publication.

We’re humbled that you’re considering our publication. Writing is design, and we think it’s one of the best ways to explore and advance the field of user experience.

To maximize your chances of getting your article published, read on…

Stories we publish

UX School’s goal is to create useful content made for designers, by designers.

Whether you’re a user experience professional, design student or career transitioner, if you have useful UX knowledge that can benefit other designers, then your content is welcome here.

We love tutorials, case studies, opinion pieces and even (good) listicles about User Research, User Experience Design, Product Design, and UX/UI tutorials.

Because UX School is an extension of the UX Beginner community, we especially love content that helps people learn about, transition into, and advance in their UX careers. Examples include:

  • Lessons learned on the job
  • Interview experiences & advice
  • Job application tips & tricks
  • Insightful career advice

Stories we do not publish

UX School does not accept stories that are overly promotional or sales-y in nature.

These include stories that try to sell design tools, books, courses, events, or services from digital & recruiting agencies.

This also means we don’t publish content from business profiles or brands.

But if you’re a designer who wants to share your powerful advice & stories, and gain followers & influence as a result…that’s fair game!

How to publish your first article with us

  1. First, review how to add articles to Medium publications. It’s a little tricky at first but intuitive after you get used to it. It involves submitting articles to publication owners (like UX School), getting approved as a writer on that publication, then finally adding your article to the publication.
  2. Use this Google form to submit your article. The form asks for a link to your Medium article and a 1-sentence description of the article.We will review all submissions and get back to you within 1 week. If we take longer than that, please forgive us — we’re just having a busy week.
  3. After being accepted and reviewed, your article is added on the queue to be published. The best articles are not time-sensitive, so this shouldn’t be an issue.
  4. Once your article is published with us, we request you to keep it in our publication for at least 6 months.

Informal Style Guide

Let’s say that a friend asked how you landed your sweet UX gig. How would you explain it to her?

Write as if you’re giving your friend or colleague insider advice.

The qualities of such a conversation reflect what we want to bring into this Medium publication:

UX School stories: In-depth, friendly, and personal.

Because this is a user experience oriented publication, we have a few guidelines on making your articles as user-friendly as possible:

  • Speak from personal experience. Highlight real examples from your own life. Don’t preach what you haven’t practiced. Speak from things you learned doing a project, on the job or attending an event.
  • Chunk your story. Use the wonderful formatting provided at Medium to break up your text with images, spacing and formatting.
  • Go in-depth. Articles should be 500 words or more*.
  • Make people want to read your story. Spend time thinking of headlines that accurately describe AND help market your article.
  • Provide a cover image for your story. Use an image that’s 1200px (wide) by 630px (tall). This fits the minimum width per Medium’s image guidelines and is also the ideal size for sharing on social networks like Facebook.

*We will make exceptions for word count if your story leverages different formats or storytelling techniques, e.g. comics, storyboards, video, illustrations.

Frequently asked questions

How do I submit my article?

  • Use this Google form to submit your article. The form asks for a link to your Medium article and a 1-sentence description of the article.
  • If approved, we will add you as an author. You will, then, be able to add the article to our publication.
  • After you added to our publication, we will publish it in the next few days.
  • Already published with us in the past? That means you’re already been added as a “writer” to UX School, so you just need to add your new article to our publication. No need to email us, Medium will notify us about it!

I just published with other publication. Can you add it to UX School as well?

No. Medium only allows articles to be published to one publication at a time. If your article has already been published with a different publication, we are not allowed to request it to UX School.

You can choose to remove it from the other publication to add it to UX School, but we recommend letting the other publication know you will be doing that. If you don’t want to switch publications, feel free to submit future articles to us.

What will you edit before publishing my article?

  • Typos and formatting style.
  • We will remove any affiliate program links or other promotional links that are not related to the article.
  • We will also add a subscription form to our newsletter at the very bottom of your article — so more users can be notified when great content like yours is published on our site.
  • In case we want to propose bigger changes (structure, storytelling) to your article, we will leave private notes in your story.

About UX School

UX School is a project of UXBeginner.com, a resource to help professionals transition into the field of UX design.

A UX Designer and Content Strategist named Oz runs the blog, Facebook group and UX newsletter.


Email the link to your article to oz@uxbeginner.com to get started.

Thanks and I can’t wait to read your new article!


Oz, founder @ UXBeginner.com

