Understanding design levels: Junior vs Mid-level vs Senior UX Designer

Oz Chen
UX School
Published in
7 min readOct 26, 2020


UX students are frustrated to see that most UX jobs listed are for Mid Level or Senior UX Designers. And they often come with a required # of years of experience that a beginner doesn’t have yet. What gives?

This is a distraction for the UX career transitioner. The industry gives the impression that the “levels” of UX design are defined by salary and years of experience.

When it comes to seniority, the number of years required is less important than the quality of that experience.

That’s because “hard skills” like design tools and conducting usability testing are now expected standards of the field, even from junior designers.

By using this guide, you’ll learn the true differences between UX seniority levels, and get ideas on how to orient your experience to match — or exceed — job market expectations.

Throughout this guide, keep in mind that we are speaking to a wide range of individual skills. One may be a junior designer in title but act on a senior level, and vice versa.

