UX Writers Learn

Uzoma Ibekwe
UX Writers Learn
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2021

Introduction & Publication outline

Hi! Welcome to the first post of this weekly publication dedicated to help you become a badass UX Writer.

I’m currently learning UX writing, and for the past few months I’ve collated amazing UX resources which have been helpful in my journey and I want to share them with you.

Being a self-learner myself, I know what it’s like to feel like I’m missing out on some important info user experience writers are supposed to know, or to face a brick wall where you know a lot about UX writing but still don’t have anything to show for it that can go into your portfolio.

Yeah, the feeling sucks.

Which is why I’ve designed this publication to run with a structure modeled after industry-recognized courses to ensure that every necessary topic is covered and that we’re able to learn step-by-step from point A to Z.

But that’s not even the best part yet!

At the end of every topic, there will be practice assignments to help us get the hang of user experience writing and build up our portfolios. Amazing right?

Fun fact: The publication is being written and updated in real-time as I’ll be going through the learning process myself and like you, become a badass UX Writer when the publication is completed :)

Super fun fact: I don’t know it all and I’m open to collaborations. If you have anything to share about any of the topics, any ideas for practice assignments or you just want to help out in your own way, feel free to hit me up on LinkedIn here or within UX Writers Learn slack workspace. Let’s grow together!

Publication Outline

1. UX writing and the roles of the UX Writer

This phase will introduce you to the basics of UX writing, the roles of the UX Writer, the tools UX writers work with, and how they work with teams in the design process.

2. Empathy and Design

This phase will help you understand the psychology behind UX writing, the importance of users, and how to apply empathy in UX writing.

3. User Research

This phase will explain the why and how of user research in UX writing, when to do user research, importance of research-backed copy, tools to use for the research, and how to create user personas.

4. Defining Voice and Tone

In this phase you will learn how to create and follow brand voice for your copy, how to apply the right tone for user pain points, and how to map the brand voice and tone across the user journey.

5. Microcopy

Here, we’ll learn the best UX writing practices and craft copy for UI components such as CTAs, error messages, and so on. We’ll also learn the tools to use for this.

6. User journey and Information architecture

In this phase, we’ll get into the context of use, and user flow in the journey. How one copy on each screen links to the other.

7. Test your copy

We’ll find out why you should test your copy, the ways to test your copy, and how to test your copy. We’ll also learn the tools needed, and the iteration process.

8. Complete the project and create a portfolio

With the now completed project and mini tasks, we’ll examine some of the best UX Writers’ portfolios and discover the best sites to build a portfolio on.

Let’s get started!

Week 1

P.S I encourage you to share your thoughts, questions and any difficulties you might be facing as regards UX writing. I’m here to help.

Hey there! Do you want to contribute to UX Writers Learn by sharing your experience, advice, or insight on any area of UX writing? Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn here. I’d love to hear from you.

